For You (to my body)
I’m going to start standing up for you
You, who has carried me here today
despite all the pleas of my mind
and actions to stop you in your tracks
I’m going to start stepping up
for all the times you stepped forward
all the times I needed you to
I will defend you for all the times
I held you up as a shield against my own attacks
I will get on my knees to pray for you
for all the times I forced you to your knees
to be something you were never made to be
I will work to fill you fully
for all the times my lack of love and attention
left you aching and empty
I will stretch
for every time I demanded you curl up smaller
I will give you the space to grow
I once scorned you for inhabiting
I will fail you, this is inevitable
But still you will bring me forward
Still you will forgive me
But I will learn
Slow and steady
And as you brought me to grow out of shoes as a child
You will see me through as I outgrow these habits
against you
But I will start
by raising my voice to defend you
when my mind attacks
I will stick up for you
because I have you for a lifetime