Wear the mask, too much to ask?
it came in from the air
made reality seem surreal
bearing fear,
mingled with wonder
to assuage those apprehensions,
i didn’t bother to check the past
seems most didn’t,
the idea did not dawn,
social media seemed unawares,
wanna be news networks,
didn’t seem to,
refer to,
defer to,
explicitly enough to,
“hey, this has happened before like this
and this,
we live in a world with knowledge replete,
bursting with information
the thing just moved with the flow,
making its demands,
like in losing our freedoms,
as skepticism abounded,
as to,
whether to,
wear the mask
such are minds devoid of history,
though it lies at the door,
so the mind,
as if on crutches,
carried by speculation,
its orgin,
socially devastatedly,
via unabated theories manifoldedly,
whether this or that,
blah and blah again, . . .
were or would be,
could be true,
may be,
until the page is turned
and there,
in full view,
for the masses to see
is the rosetta stone,
the missing link
to understanding’s release . . .
and so it was for me,
as i,
perhaps by providence,
the spanish plague account
replete with images
black and white,
of the world,
of america’s cops,
the public at large,
wearing masks
it wasn’t a governmental conspiracy,
it was two and three real rebounds
during the afore cited
youtube link of the thing,
complete pandemic pandemonia
millions upon millions,
really did die,
along with all the drama,
like a script,
for posterity’s rehearsal
historical distancing
classic case of the proverbial adage:
. . . those who ignore . . . blah
blah, ignore history . . . blah
are destined . . . to
the historical footage is real
retrospectively enough,
retroactively adequate,
to make me feel foolish,
to acquiece to the knowledge of error,
the failure to see
the stupid mask,
is not so stupid now
its inconvenience,
its impingement of our blah,
blah, rights,
the freedom to dine in restaurants,
to hit the beach, . . .
until now,
is for me,
to see that its happened before,
a catalyst to surmise,
to think
it brings to mind,
the likes of louis pasteur, et al,
preventative science,
knowledge replete,
ad infinitum
our biggest offense,
is to be ignorantly in league with ignorance
the reactions were the same of yesterday,
to yield,
or not,
to live or,
maybe not
to wear or not to wear,
that is the question that i ask of thee
to concede defeat of conceit,
of vain inconvenience,
in the midst of controversy,
caught in the milieu of history and science
is wise,
of me i speak
learn from the past,
shrug off the pride,
bathed in sheepishness,
i wear the mask,
is it really too much to ask
’til this thing be overpast?
wear the mask,
if nothing else,
and know,
that none of us,
no one,
is invulnerable