
hello, how are you?
i pray you are well,
will you step away
from the noise?
in your eyes i see divinity,
faint eternity
distant lines
that stretch far there,
to possible resurrection
you are a marvelous creation,
i pray you see,
a fearfully,
wonderfully made,
you are
be still
forget about pseudo science
computers did not evolve from primordial soup
living things are a marvel
intelligence is alive
i am overwhelmed by the complexity,
come with me and see,
the proofs,
the observations of the fact,
the faith that he,
the creator lives
can you squeeze,
your mortal body
into the tiny crevice,
between the cell and plasma membrane,
sip nourishment from its vacuole?
while standing tall
in the shadow of a mitochondria?
can you reach a distant star,
even the closest?
swim through galaxies,
beyond the edges of dark matter,
mind dizzying, light years away?
look closely in awe,
million mile long solar flares,
emitting from terrifying lakes of fire
see the earth rotating light to dark?
suspended forever,
unending internal heat
can you smell beauty?
can you dissect a gorgeous scene,
gaze upon nature and rebuild it?
can you create a living cell,
from scratch make it,
into a thinking species?
mankind without God,
is mechanical
seemingly awake,
yet sleeping,
then dying,
utterly lost
nairobi, mumbai, lagos,
cuidad neza, usa,
every part of the world
it don’t matter,
it’s all spatter,
so the heartless think
every country’s
got it,
greed politicians
dressed in armor,
dressed to kill
tho’ theirs is next to nothin’
for loving’s skill
takes from their brothers
what’s not theirs,
so’s they can hock their wares
an’ of the children
their hearts to tear
for earth’s great population,
the majority stares,
short on livin’
long on rations low
great tribulation is given
the earth is vast
filled with wonders
man so easily rips asunder,
leaves angels aghast
stupid ape man forgets his past
flowing rivers,
majestic blue
makes your tired eyes to skip
lapping up majestic hues,
wets the lips
makes the soul to quiver
clouds of cool
riding on the neck
of summer’s oppressive heat
giving shadow’s rest,
with friendly arctic winds,
born in lonely fjords,
from far away
sweet respite to few
for the hungry
it is their right to see
the beauty gone is wasted,
for those in squalor
such eyes will never see or feast
upon these things,
’cept for the teeming few
vast valleys of bounty ferns and moss,
makes my heart feel the dross,
for out of reach,
for those secluded ones,
my heavy, crying heart,
pouts tears that wish,
every man could touch
why, o why does it go on so?
while floods
and flows of humanity,
over the precipice goes?
why, o why,
tho’ the cure,
the dose is there,
the serpent still yearns to kill
on his murder path he goes
keeps his hosts deceived,
on human lives he takes his fill
so wish,
with one fell stroke,
i wish i could,
with roaring thunder,
tear his wicked heart asunder
i would
I walked behind my brother who was drenched by darkness, but for faint stars, in the summer night. He walked ahead, flashlight in hand. In his left he carried a bamboo shaft, near 4 feet in length. A thin rope for quick recovery, tied to its blunt end, the other to his right hand’s wrist.
His flashlight flashed along the canal’s bank, searching for the mysterious bullfrogs. These bug eyed creatures, whose slick, cold skin, grey under moonlight, mottled with green by sunlight, intrigued me. I hoped for a catch.
Lorenzo, motioned for me to hang back with his extended, lowered left arm. His right hand carried the 3 pronged trident by which to pierce and snare frogs. Each point was barbed, like a fish hook.
The bullfrogs’ deep bellows pervaded the night. He stopped pointing with his flashlight at the canal bank’s edge at which the bellows ceased. He held flashlight in tandem, with clenched fist on the trident spear, illuminating aquatic weeds.
There, the splotched apex of light suspended swirling particles of illuminated dust. And there rested a bullfrog; a shocking excitement to my eyes. The creature lay with its eyes bright, pupils glowing, stunned. Like the proverbial deer caught in headlights, oblivious to the impending danger, despite it sensing something was amiss. It waited, based on it’s silence, no doubt induced by the presence of the beam of light come out of darkness.
My brother, transferred the flashlight to his other hand, flexed back his right arm and hurled the shaft at his target. It was my cue to run to his side unrestricted. He handed me the light.
“Keep it on the frog!” He muttered fiercely.
He hurled the spear and recovered it with its thin rope.
Filled with excitement, I watched Lorenzo retrieve the catch by pulling on the rope. I pointed the light at the shaft’s trident wondering if he’d made his target.
He had. For there at trident’s end hung the full form of a large bullfrog.
“Here, carry it by its hind legs.”
I was filled with pride at this assignment.
We repeated the venture. Him walking ahead with trident and flashlight. Me, walking behind 10 paces, my frog in hand, its skin cold, dangling upside down.
Up the canal bank lived an old African American man in a makeshift shed. Its roof no more than 6 feet off the ground, covered with green composite sheathing. The length of this sad structure was about 8 to 10 feet.
We delivered the frog.
He greeted us, from within.
“I see ya got ’on. C’mon in parn’er.
We stepped in, downward about a foot or two. The floor was humid dirt. His home’s proximity was on the lee side of the canal bank, making the soil moist. It was dark and musty.
I’d seen this makeshift shed by day, its perimeter surrounded by tall grasses, cattails and weeds. He’d lived here for years. I never asked myself at that age of 7, what might have been unusual about his living conditions or what his livelihood might have been. I only knew that he lived here separated from all other human beings and their shelters, adjacent to a dilapidated cattle pen.
He had a dented kerosine lantern lit, Its stack askew. An ancient kerosine stove sat on a dark ledge, its black iron reflected the dim stars’ light on porcelain protruding knobs. His bed was his couch, as it was his table. It was a tubular steel frame covered by an army blanket, I surmised made of mule hair. Itchy, no doubt, like the one at home.
“It’s a big on’, . . . et fresh?”
“Just caught it,” answered my brother.
“Le’s see et.”
He grabbed it and held it up to his face.
“It’s a big on’, I’ll gi’ya 25 cents, ay?”
Lorenzo said, “yeah, an’ I’ll git you more.”
“Them’s good frog legs man! Ya do dat, I’m alays ere.”
Thinking back I wonder about him, the man who lived destitute and alone, so lonely, forlorn, like forsaken. I wonder what his livlihood was. What brought him to live where he was. He lived in dire poverty.
He was friendly and seemed very happy.
I wondered if he was an outcast in having difficulty finding employment. Maybe he was the cattle pen’s care keeper. Or, maybe he was just someone who wanted to live off the grid, so to speak. It was the 1950′s and he appeared to be 70 or so years of age. Maybe he was a victim of prejudice.
I only know now, 2019, that he was a human being. No doubt he has passed on. I only now know that although I didn’t really know him, that i wish I could meet him from an adult’s viewpoint and talk with him. I would, if possible give him a lot of my time. I would bring him regular meals. I would share my love with him in these kinds of ways. And, if there were any wrong committed against him, if he were healing from any wounds, I would bring him spiritual salve and tell him all about Jesus Christ.
But maybe he’d probably have told me about the Lord himself with no room at the inn for him either.
though your words are gone, (your spirit taste remains)
i remember sharing prose with you,
though i never met you face to face,
we parted company across cyberspace
though i always felt your trace
of life within my thoughts
though i never met you
face to face
i miss sharing prose
i saw by electronic image
your still portrait avatar,
come across the internet
then you vanished gradually,
so much so,
like to watch a plant,
when it grows
so much so,
that i didn’t really notice
when you disappeared
i could not track you down
except to witness but a trace,
as the vivid truth and shock,
slammed me in the face,
when i read
at your abandoned post:
these pages are empty
how is it?
i thought,
to never feel the breath,
or voice
or sight
of a person
even through pleasant eyes,
or touch,
of such a one
across vast inter continental cyberpace
and yet feel a love
by sharing prose,
growing over time,
not the physical element
of companionship,
like with mere acquaintance,
but simply by the words
shared by the prose
to feel love,
stronger than physical
the intermingling,
the entertwining
of spirit minds
by sharing prose
so it happens,
the void
by missing such a one,
you’ve never met,
is real
it may sound pathological
to love
to gain a friend
by only reading their words,
penned of their feelings,
who then disappears
no goodbye,
only broken memory,
is no trite thing
by such a thing as words,
loneliness is overcome,
the sharing of intelligence
the ability to feel another heart
though separated to the edge of infinity,
as it were,
is no small thing
the words themselves
if they are gone
leave a deeply
emptiness of void
the words themselves
they were a blessing,
they made you come alive,
as if i’d met you face to face
your words were,
a salve,
a comfort,
of your presence,
a marvel in itself
tour through town
dust swirls round
settles on all crooks ’n crannies,
unseen layers pouring down
the gleaming paint,
glass an’ even golden steel,
some seem sheltered, in a haze
but everywhere smears the taint
beneath the elusive facade
the pulverized molecules
of rust and rot
is illusion soaked in real sod
how wretched, how blind
how vain, how stubborn
tho’ micro short, lives unwind grave to dust of human kind
history page
i turned pages in my spirit/
still frames of images,
stood stark an’ frozen,
pasted there/
blasted by light
to indelibly imprint,
the world’s views
splayed of nacissist men
as rubbish,
spilled with horrors
anguish filled immeasurable/
page after page
sordid reality
harsh memory
of what can never be erased/
it’s either love or hate
caught between the two
forced to live
impinted there
page after page
sometimes i wish time for me
could forever stand/
in those rare moments of love
i cling,
while the incessant,
inevitable plagues
of rotten fruit
from the blighted limbs
of ruined trees
i cringe
i turn the page,
why am i here?
i’ve often asked
yes, i have found answers
sadly, though true
as of yet
to be fulfilled,
for which i wait
to be relieved,
in this time,
while the glorious future
with its remarkable blessings
as yet
freely bestowed
hand to the plow
face to the onlsaught
to the one who overcomes
will win the crown
everlasting life,
page after page,
to break the monotony
of my life,
so agonizing,
waiting for the start of the end
only love sustains
world views,
slavery its way,
i turn pages/
some relief
i am in the world
but not of it
i have learned new meaning
as i reflect/
i see the ultimate of what worth is/
it is love,
love has a face
every moment of every micro second,
if filled with love
most often,
mixed with hate,
is worth forever lasting/
to die in love’s arms
in the frozen frame of the terrible,
those sordid memories,
of things whose scent even now,
fill me with dread/
disdain and misery/
fill me with utter hurt
and weary grief/
fill me with remorse/
as in no recourse
unforgetting is not possible
i am beyond,
at times beyond comforting,
i am beyond the point
of endless tears/
my faith says
i must endure/
faith has a place/
oh, to look in love’s face
i look to love to find meaning,
even in the midst
of meaninglessness
and human cruelty/
is there love in such a picture?
yes, i think, especially so/
all things, i know
are sustained by love
love breaks through
the horror,
quells the pain somewhat
i see the one dispensing
the cruelty and hurt
i see a love of self loathing/
yes, hate has a face
how did such a thing come to be?
is there redemption?/
i know there is,
even as i know the world moves/
it moves seemingly in no direction,
like a spinning cog,
of an enormous,
physical, spiritual machine,
bent in conscienceless evil,
of boundless greed and utter selfishness,
void of love/
filled with heartless ambition
to eat the flesh of the weak/
i am weary beyond measure
there are many stories,
many are false,
many gods,
not real in divinity
not of love,
false and fallen/
one story is true,
and yes, God has a face,
he is pure love
only he is real
all will see him
his friends,
and his enemies,
at the resurrection
another page,
why are you accumulating riches?
yes, i know,
to secure your physicality for tomorrow,
for pleasure and recognition/
you follow crypto coins
you want to outdo the others who ploy their wares
that promise you security
unfathomable riches and pleasures therein
mathematics will provide eternal guarantees
no one can break in
the cyber mark grants autonomy
via the ethereal tools of cyber machines
that hum and whir at the speed of light
whose existence bridges the nanogap between,
the physical of quantum ness
and the spirit dimensions/
it’s fascinating to you,
those mechanisms,
you being human, curious an’ all,
being in want of mainstream competition and success,
following the existentialist’s dream,
the bane of the new capitalist man,
the new evolutionary man/
you got it quick,
you’re in position to rise
to the top,
you with the few elite,
of the new world order,
the product of darwin’s evolution/
next, the bio man,
merged with machine and biocybernetics/
you aspire for immortality,
in immorality
sustained by technology
dna’s 3rd strand
merged with the collective hive
quantumness will bring you eternal life/
it cannot be
only one will occupy the highest rung,
the peak of the pyramid,
for the one eyed monster
the illuminist himself,
the all seeing eye,
who’ll track your every move
sitting in the seat of desolate abominations/
give me liberty or give me death
enthroned there for a season of seven years,
will you acquiece to him and his system,
to his religion,
having rejected the everlasting gospel?
many will cling to
the son of perdition
and be his prostitute
and follow him to
in a page of history future
all is vanity
so little,
we have so little,
some more
others less,
some none
so little time,
it goes,
it went,
our time of life,
goes so fast
some are dead
before they are reborn
and born only enough to see
how dead they were
and live with the pain
of knowing the end with decay
no matter what is done
i turned to see yesterday,
it seems decades of time ago,
a young man preserved on video,
now old, now weak, now gone
once new, proud,
brilliant and bright,
filled with light,
like a son of God
but decaying like summer grass
like rotting fruit,
unseen by the harvest
hanging on wilting branches
the progression of time,
of corruption,
of the lie believed,
of the consequence,
of time restraint,
of death
oh what grief,
what mind bending grief,
what helplessness,
if you really get it.
most don’t
unless they’re on a death bed,
how can they?
if they’re snuffed out,
in, say, instant death,
like a head on collision at 75 mph,
or ground impact in a plunging airliner
with no pre warning
in these matters of mortality
oh yes,
even the arrogant cry out
for mercy from God,
when the devil comes to collect
what pain,
only his voice remains,
like a ghost with images,
like mist,
vapors of spirit,
only memories,
. . . so helpless, so hungry,
so thirsty,
amazes, flabberghasts me,
how earth dwellers
seem content
unwilling to know
the knowing of the coming ends
how blind
how self deluding
how illogical is the conduct,
decomposition in the ground,
bone, guts, blood,
yet, happy as larks,
until death comes,
in the dark
/ / /
i am greedy for life,
oh, only for a little bit,
give me a little bit,
but don’t ever let it go
don’t ever let it stop,
a little bit more of life
filled with quiet,
like a snow banked lake,
surrounded by alpine trees
conifers of holiness
standing clear
imposed upon the bluest sky
of turquoise purity
i’d ask for all of it,
but i know it won’t happen,
i can’t have it,
not now
no matter how
gotta suffer
is what i’ve learned
it is what it is,
low cost to pay,
considering what others have paid . . .
i don’t feel like getting graphic here
i’ve tasted of life
can’t get enough
can’t find enough
don’t ever let it stop,
while it lasts,
haven’t gotten enough,
what is enough?
enough is eternal life
filled, immersed in peace
like a meadow
filled with green,
wild flowers, birds
in joyousness, in love,
in light
a concept,
an idea,
a reality based on faith
of supernatural cognition
of supernatural reality
upheld by truth
what is truth?
it is bonded with love,
it is right,
of what is true
truth is alive
it is suspended,
integral with wisdom,
it is life,
God’s attributes,
the thirst comes in spurts,
quenched by truth
i can see it sometimes,
the greatest truth i can ever know,
and it goes,
comes again
a great and marvelous light
just enough to tantalize
and cause cruel torment
because i am bound by flesh,
knowing i cannot have what it reveals,
what it shows me in this mortality
can drive a man insane
it comes and goes in avalanches,
disappears until an unexpected moment,
a short burst,
i hold my breath, so to speak
knowing it will not last
like deja vu,
suddenly it is gone
i desperately lunge for it
eluding my grasp
like silk
forbidden to a pauper
respiration stops
the heart stops
decomposition starts,
no power in the universe
seems to bring it back,
or so it seems
and yet,
i know of one who can,
and will
in the meantime
oh, what pain,
what titillation
to feel, to see and know
it is to be taken away
in this dimension
to taste of eternal life
a little bit,
in this flesh,
this life,
this death,
is torment
in knowing
it will all be taken away,
a grand, ultimate punishment
i hide for a moment in the castle of my mind
in my spirit i am shielded
for i know i am utterly powerless against all things
like an armless man
who cannot touch to hold
what he would love to love
what have i done?
asks the righteous man,
like the victim
who has never seen the light,
born in captivity,
made to suffer in the darkness
though the sun shines, it is dark
in the land without the truth divine,
it is midnight
though we walk,
we stumble
we injure ourselves and each other,
like a man tied to a chair
in an empty room
forced to watch history and its tools of recorded events
to see and feel and know
his life will be extinquished,
gone forever,
along with all those before me and those to follow after,
all the beauty,
the humble and meek
together with the proud,
the good with the bad,
the truth is a heavy,
heavy burden to bear
skin thin bubble
in a bubble
things pushed against it
have always tried to bust it
they’re pushing now
trying to obliterate it
and if they succeed
i’m doomed
in the truest sense of the word
i’ve one protection
as i float aimlessly through
through earth
carried about by whims and winds
subject to overwhelming dangers
close to the heat
the burning fires
the rage of the times
the countless dangers in which to plunge
and yet i’m here
as fragile as i am
as weak
as vulnerable as i feel
i’ve only one protection
and will
the bubble burst?
i ask as i peer
through its soft and clear window
naked and afraid
i wonder how i’ve floated this far
without it having burst
adding further to this intrigue
is the 360 degree panoramic sweep
casualties everywhere abound
i’m as vulnerable as the underbelly of a baby
even my own
my heart is skin deep,
with only some ribs spaced between
over vital organs
i’ve only one protection
i’m in a bubble
i’m still alive for a singular reason
the bubble hasn’t burst
but it will
it’s only a matter of time
my one protection is,
my invisible helmet,
my spirit sword
he is always watching
ain’t no words of hope
even though i’m full of words of hope
i hear them
but i don’t feel them
i believe them
but i don’t feel them
. . . and i feel small today
empty and unconnected
i’m in a small sector
of a sea of people,
just like me
with wants, wishes,
desires and dreams,
the overwhelming majority of them
vast improbability
of any chance of,
opportunities everywhere,
with no chance of attainment
like a bird with wings
in a cage
vast far boundaries with no limits,
in the horizon
in the wind,
inconcievably unconcieved
like a man with rich imagination
whose dreams are perennially shattered
by ongoing nightmares
whose eyes have seen majestic mountains
in the distance divine
but once in a tattered lifetime,
whose eyes now only see but barbed streaks
across the prison sky
endless time,
no ends,
but for us,
each moment whispers,
the end could come
at any moment
it will come,
at any moment
while wondering
led by the din of noise
of polluted political air,
whether what waits on the other side
will be insecurity again
it does
this end
it waits
and it will arrive
whether small or large
strong or weak
or agitated,
angry or frustrated
it will
for all
like losing consciousness at the end of sleep
like a coma with no waking
aware and out
awake then out
awake then gone
matter changes over millenia,
we are spirit and flesh
we do not change
we die and flesh decomposes
we live in mystery
flesh and mind,
living for fulfillment
knowing the end
as it waits unexpectedly,
is a torment
is expected
and somehow we live,
each breath automatic
despite the weakness
living to the fullest is impossible
there’s never satisfaction long lasting
but fragmented into bits of pleasure
if at all,
mixed with pain
faint words of hope and faith linger as wisps
on the fringes of my thought
they calm somewhat,
but eternal peace is fleeting,
agonizingly temporal,
while the clash of memory
the harsh realness of what history reveals,
the documentation of sordid events
like solid steel,
stands hard and stark against these thoughts
that we all live but a brief time
mingled with the phantoms who’ve worked evil
who’ve caused untold pain to the innocent
for wealth
and human sacrifice
oh, if only peace would last
if only life offered real comfort
if only quiet,
and air
if only sunlight
would shine unobstrusive
if only sunlight would remain
if only the cancerous taint of evil
would forever be obliterated
if it weren’t for you
if it weren’t for you
i would have given up
long time ago
if it weren’t for you
i’d of lost all meaning
long time ago
if it weren’t for you
i wouldn’t love anymore
i’d lose my sight
lose my vision
for what is right
i’d lose my mind
if it weren’t for you
i’d live like a beast,
long time ago
if not for you
i’d forget
the meaning of meaning
i’d lose myself
i’d not ever care again
i’d lose all i have
i’d give up
about giving up again
if it weren’t for you
i’d forget
i’d forget those who i love
i’d love to think
about all their faults,
and mine
would overwhelm me
and kill my soul
i’d forget you
i’d die
lost to oblivion
if it weren’t for you
i would be nothing