Unfunny Valentine
We were on the right path... Or so I thought, this time. In our twenty years together, we have had many different incarnations. We've tried many things and have taken many forms. Friends, lovers, parents, swingers, and even bitter resentful roommates. We've been business partners for years too.
Through our work I became close with another man, intimate. I fell in love with him. It was very hard to admit that to you.
There was, however, nothing more surprising than you being okay with that. You did not retreat. You opened your heart. I had your blessing so long as I kept us first and was always honest with you. You wanted to be priority. So started some very deep and serious loving conversations between us, about us. We started healing. We were in a place we had not been in many years.
Delving into polyamory reignited a passion in us. It has been a wonderful couple months, for the most part.
Here it is Valentine's Day. Today is the day you slip back into your old ways of ignoring me and taking me for granted. I have not so much as received a verbal, "Happy Valentine's Day, Baby". I gave you a small token, coffee mug, and a card. You threw the card up on your dresser without reading it. I know it wasn't anything over-the-top romantic but it still tops Nothing!
I've experienced Heaven. I've lived in Hell. I refuse to go back there.
So choose your next steps carefully, My Unfunny Valentine.