They tell me to just breathe.
To take a breath in through my nose,
Exhale through my mouth,
And calm down.
But how can I breathe when I feel like I'm being crushed?
How can I breathe when everything's falling down around me?
Is it easy for them?
Do they know how hard it is?
I try to explain to make them understand.
At first I am confused,
And panicked.
Then things get dizzy and fuzzy,
And I become lost,
Things go black,
That's all I can see.
Everything slows and after a while I'm okay.
But I don't remember things.
They tell me I blacked out,
And I feel ashamed and alone.
I go through this so often,
I'm starting to crack.
They never understand..
They don't know what I feel or what I experience..
I'm going out of my mind and all they can tell me is...