Five facts
I am a Catholic and have been all my life. Call me a Jesus freak if you like; it’s what I am.
I greatly admire anyone who can make a good meal or turn bare land into a garden plot, but sadly I can’t say much for my own cooking and gardening skills.
I have never been to school in my life. Someone I know once said “all homeschooled people are stupid” but hopefully you can ascertain from this post that we are, in fact, not. Of course, it depends on your definition of stupidity :)
I love both dogs and cats, tea and coffee, sunrise and sunset
I have no great love for the city, and my heart lies either in the country or by the sea (I enjoy fishing for eels in a creek or squid off a jetty, but that doesn’t mean I actually catch them). Quiet, hidden places or wide spaces in which to lie and look up at the sky are often found in the countryside, and you will often find me in them, too; if not in person, in my dreams.