Cancer sucks
Yes what they say is all true,
Cancer sucks and takes too much from you
I have fought cancer four times
As a single mom of two girls,
easy things like reading them a book
Stole my breath away,
"it's the treatments they would say"
Scared I would not wake,
to see them the next day
Scratch that No God I'm here to stay!
My kids need me too much
Stage 2 oh I got this
Stage 3 two times took its toll
Oh Lordy No!
All three of my babies need their momma,
so No I won't go
(Im pregnant with baby #3)
The last round of cancer almost killed me and my unborn son.
Chemotherapy and radiation do such horrible things to your system
As a single mom my kids,
pushed me forward
They were my ultimate reward!
I can't have anymore kids,
Unfortunately the cancer took that from me
All the fighting was worth it,
but losing all your hair is no fun
Now we live our lives,
cause they have just begun