What is love?
What is love?
Is it the wake up texts in the morning?
or the feeling you get when that one person,
walks into a room?
Is it the millions of fluttering butterflies?
or the random kisses on your head?
or maybe it's the hugs that make you feel safe
Is it a hand held out to pick you up from a kind stranger?
or maybe it's just a simple gesture that puts a smile on your face
Whatever it may be, that love is to not be taken for granted
the love that makes you want to get up each day,
the love that never goes away, even when you're angry,
the love that makes you a better version of yourself,
the love that makes you want to live
Love can make you question everything in life
love can open ones eyes, or make them blind
love doesn't see color or race,
it does not discriminate or hold grudges,
love opens doors to new beginnings and happy endings,
love is kind and patient,
love is more than just a lifetime of memories,
it's more like an eternity of memories,
ones that last forever