The battle of the heart and mind
The heart: "I can't wait to go to this party"
The mind: "You're not going, you're staying home"
The heart: "But why?"
The mind: "Because do you really want to embarass yourself in front of all those people?"
The heart: "No I don't"
The mind: "Exactly"
The heart: *Stays home*
The heart: *Goes to a dine in resturaunt*
The mind: "What are you doing here?"
The heart" I want to eat some good food"
The mind: "Do you really want to eat here while all these people watch you eat?"
The heart: "No I don't"
The mind: "So then go to the grocery store and use the self-checkout to buy your own food"
The heart: *Buys a frozen pizza from the grocery store*
The heart: *Gets invited to go hang out with friends*
The mind: "Where do you think your going?"
The heart: "My friends want me to go out"
The mind: "Do you really think you can have friends when you're so weird?"
The heart: "But I-"
The mind: "You're staying home"
Everyday it's a constant battle between my heart and my brain. The heart wishes it can venture out into the world unafraid and full of courage to do all the things that it longs for. But the brain has the higher power and it refuses to give the heart what it wants. The brain is full of fear, that the world will be watching and waiting for it to fail...