2020 was a beautiful year of finding out how fucked we are.
And 2021 is that fuckery displayed in slow motion.
Case study of my lack of social life #1:
I have a lack of social life.
Now, this example may have been true prior to the apocalypse, but we (being me) completly ignored that fact until 2021 when I went, "Wow, I'm losing all of my friends to 6 feet! I am going to be so lonely." This year, has been pretending like we have friends, but realizing that we have always been alone, even before it was a crime to not be alone.
Case study of my lack of social life #2:
I have spent the majority of my time in the loo, shitting like crazy.
2020 was discovering that humanity has been consuming unhealthy products (I know it's a huge shocker considering the commercial countries we live in). Our genetics have been crisscrossed with poison as we lick cancer from the air and pour cream (or formula) into our coffee like we are children (although, it kinda feels like civilization has reformed into toddlers). 2021, is the revealing of why so many needed toilet paper. Feces reveal the murder we put our bodies through as we wonder why we feel so sick.
Case study of my lack of social life #3:
2020 caused us to panic into isolation. 2021 is depression arising as we all question whether or not we got sleep the night before, or how the FUCK is it already March? What has been 2021??! I feel like as soon as 2020 ended the matrix crashed and we are simply living out the afterimage of a failed project. (This is what our lives have become, nothing). Moving forward=glitch.
Case study of my lack of social life #20:
what was I doing again?