How I describe distance
How can I best describe distance?
I can best describe distance like observing a photograph.
A photograph of any occasion from history.
It’s offbeat, that I crave to return to an era where I was never even heard of.
My inquisitiveness,
at how dinner parties were celebrated or
What a school day from 7:30 to 3:30 was like
When it was worth going to the movies
Or when prices at the store were low
Wait a minute,
I’m being nonsensical
How could I possibly miss decades that were never mine?
That’s what distance does to us
I suppose it makes all of us a little crazy
Just like longing for a lover
In a long distance relationship
Just like how the sea turtle asks for the ocean
Or the moon asks for the stars
The hummingbird asks for the nectar from coral honeysuckle flowers
So we too, as humanity,
Desire each other
This, then, is how I can best describe distance