Before I Die, I want to ...
prove that my life had meaning. I want to live with no regrets, and die without any as well.
I've heard countless times before that 'everyone has a purpose in life'. Well...what is it?
If I truly will never get the chance to live again, I don't want to waste my time searching for something that might not even matter once I'm gone.
But that doesn't mean I won't try. I'll do everything I can to help others, cause when it comes down to it...thats all we can really do.
Making a difference isn't easy. It takes time and dedication. I'm not denying my youth by saying I'm setting myself up to help the world, though. I'm still gonna be a teenager...until im not anymore.
If I die, I might not remember my life, what fun I had, how hurt I was, or anything really. You wont know what's in store until you're there already. But if I can at least make sure the world is better off than when I came into it...then maybe it won't be so sad if I leave.