Seseme street brings the blood
the assumption that big bird is the key player on the ’street is just insane.
you only need to take a look at Elmo, to see what danger is in flesh and blood. check out those intense, forward-facing eyes. stereographic vision. definitely a predator. the fact that he acts cute and talks in a high-pitched voice, does not mean he has no fight in him. even gonzo and all the chicken WITH Mrs. piggy combined can’t hope to make a dent. just carnage. and Elmo is one of the weaker on the crew.
do i even need to say anything about the cookie monster?!
what could the muppets throw at this guy? the Swedish cheff? the pigs in space? even Mr. T didn’t mess around when he was the guest.
no. Mr. T was all friendly over there, knowing full well what horrors await those that are not. pity the fool who doesn't know.
in contrast, oscar is grouchy. but he can afford to be. in a street where being nice is a survival skill , you better keep the peace. don’t want anyone getting bloody. and yet oscar carries his nasty attitude openly. it speaks of confidence. he doesn’t even worry and for a good reason. he has tons of broken bottles and a very pretty collection of shivs he spends his time fashioning. and all rusty and infected with all kinds of stuff..better keep away. far far away..
The Count does math. what else does it do? you don’t want to know. trust me. drinking blood and perfecting a bela lugosi impersonation is the least of it.
now there might be some problems with Fozy.That guy is dangerous.
i won’t lie, it’s going to be gruesome. but sacrifices need to be made. here, big bird will be helpful. Fozy will have a hard time getting around her. he might win, but it’s not like he would be able to help anyone else after that. a lot of rehab...well, if he survives.
you also need to consider, that if the truce of Hensonland is broken, how would other gangs play? you think the Fraggles are going to sit it out? or the Gorgs? will the Ewoks miss a chance to get someone to sacrifice? those inbred monkeys are just waiting for an excuse. so what keeps the greater peace over there?
fear. that’s what.
seseme street is a perfect example of deterrance. no one dares to do anything. everyone plays their games, have some fun , but know where the red lines are, and to absolutely avoid crossing it.
i will not pretend that this is something i wish for. peace and tolarance is the greatest message that comes out of seseme street. but they are also very insistant on the idea of coming together and giving support. and these are a bunch of co-existing mutually supporting carnivores. do you really want to send against them a loosly organised and poorly led bunch clowns?
now, i see the only hope for the muppets, is some kind of a surprise attack. get those Sesemes after a birthday party or something, maybe get the gorgs along for some more muscle. but i doubt they will manage such a tacticlly complicated move. plus the fact that Waldorf is so obviously a seseme street mole. this guy will just call his handlers (B.&E.) and tells them all about it.. why do you think he’s so sarcastic? it comes from immense bitterness and conflicting emotions.
well, Bert and Ernie keep an eye out on a lot of things from their home. maybe they are watching you right now. they don’t like it when someone stirrs things up...