need help: how do you find passion?
is the feeling of lacking passion normal? for the longest time i just feel so lost because i'm not really passionate about anything. i just try to do what other people are passionate about and end up giving up after a short period of time due to my lack of interest:(
try all the things
I have tried many things in life.
Many things I failed.
Some things I was too scared to fail, so I didn't try them.
Other things demanded I try them so I did.
A few things I could have tried, but left alone (for now).
Rarely a thing completely left me awestruck.
Occasionally I might regret a thing.
More often than not I regretted not trying the thing.
Now I say try all the things.
Because if there is no do?
Then there is only try - until you find the thing you want to do.
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(sorry, Master Yoda)