I Write
1. When did I begin to write?
I don't remember the first thing I wrote. Probably my name, lol. I would start writing stories in any notebooks I had. I never finished them. I would get these "great ideas" but then never have the patience to finish them. In school, when we had to write things creatively I always had so much fun. Especially because since they had a due date I would finish them. They were always longer than other people's writings. I've been writing since I learned how to write and came up with ideas.
2. What does writing give back to me?
It gives me satisfaction for one. Just seeing that I completed something, especially if I can share it makes me feel good. I often go back and reread things and see how far I've come which gives me inspiration. I also write sometimes when I have a lot of feelings and it helps me get them out and process them. It is a therapy.
3. What is your ultimate writing goal?
I suppose if I think about it there is really one main reason that I write. It is for my sake. I like when others enjoy my writing, but I love when they tell me that. Since, I am actually kind of good at writing sometimes I use it to get compliments to feel better. However, If I am writing poems, they might be for sending a message. My ultimate goal would be to write something amazing that would help people in some way. Then if I get praise for it that would be a bonus. I like helping people, I just usually don't think about that when I'm writing. So I would like to combine the two.