Depends on the Source (and delivery)
From people I respect, I can take criticism okay if it's not delivered in a shitty way. Usually in those situations, I know that the person who is criticizing me is just trying to help me grow. I don't respond well to being spoken down to or feeling like I'm being berated, but then again, no one really does.
If I don't respect someone or feel as if the point is completely invalid, I will either get really annoyed and mouthy or I'll shrug it off- not much of an middle ground between the two.
From romantic partners, I take criticism very poorly...I've been in some highly toxic situations so it is easy for me to interpret criticism as an outright attack, especially if it's brought up in a disagreement of some sort. I started seeing a therapist for that sort of thing.
I get that criticism is necessary to change and become a more well-rounded version of yourself, but it is also easily weaponized in both blatant and subtle ways. The lines between the two blur a little for me sometimes.