I fantasize for all to see, you are being controlled subliminally.
You are told what to think and who to be,
On the radio, in the magazines, the newspapers, the TV!
Oh, what a fantasy! Imagine what it could be,
with no more news media telling you why you should hate me.
We don't have to agree on everything,
but what if we realize this is okay? So we welcome our differences with open minds
and open hearts. We sit and listen to a different perspective with intent to learn and not to harm. And the more we listen, the more we see that so many of us want so many of the same things.
Do you ever stop and wonder what this world would be
without hate; war; greed; poverty?
What if we all woke up one day and...actually woke up. We all realize we have been sold lies by the people in power who convinced us there is a line,
and you must pick a side...all just to cause a great divide.
We awake from our slumber with groggy eyes and foggy minds that begin to clear, tasting the garbage we swallowed and hearing the fading echo of compliance that's been whispered in our ears.
And as the dust clears, we begin to build a world together filled with much more love than hate,
my fantasy of a world that only a new reality can create.