The Calm and the Quiet
The silence doesn’t make me uncomfortable
The stillness in the air feels like a blanket,
not a noose
Choking on words leads to disaster
when you have nothing real to say,
and I can’t say I enjoy that
-or tolerate receiving it.
Mumbles and grumbles
and stuttering and stumbling
What is it that you’re trying to prove?
That you can make a sound? As if that’s at all impressive
I can yell and scream just like you.
I can laugh and cry,
but I choose not to.
Embrace the peace I have offered you and
find solace in my simple smile.
Feel my hands tighten
around your troublesome neck
and try to understand the gift I am so generously blessing onto you.
There will be no more stammers or sputters,
no more lies to mutter
Just the calm and quiet,
so, save your breath for when you have something worthwhile to say.
Nothing else matters anyway.