Conflict Resolution
Come on, B
you gotta go to sleep
it's so easy, soooo easy
What's the hold up?
Head on pillow, door locked, things to do tomorrow - oh, damn, stop, can't handle tomorrow coming like this. It's too soon.
What am I going to do...
I need to sleep...
Stop thinking! Don't think! Okay, so... So let's play a game! you can do that right? the alphabet game?
Wanna Play?
Yes? Okay? GO
You are ----- amazing, beautiful, crazy, delirious, elegant, fairy, gargantuan, honorable, instant, joking, kinetic, linguistic, manicured, nifty, optimistic, pessimistic, queenly, riotous, significant, tiered, ubiquitous, violent, wily, xylophone, yellow, zealous
K is such a problem, always such a problem and X, and Y, and Z
But, oh what a good laugh
Now let's do it backwards, and stick to the theme! and after that all the words have to start with A but the second letter goes through the alphabet.
Oh you're so smart
Look at you
Well done you
And somewhere in the midst of all these floating words
you will quietly and secretly go to sleep, deal?