Phrases and Sentences
If your life was to be summed up in a series of short sentences and phrases, what would you write? How would you condense your experience existing into a single paragraph, a single stanza of poetry too if that suits you?
little ditties
She thought she could give without receiving, but there's only so much you can give until there's nothing but an empty carcass.
Betrayal is a dish best served to the unexpected.
"Hello, how are you doing today? Did you find everything okay-ish?"
Life is nothing but a handprint on a dirty window.
Sing a song of melancholy; it makes the time go by.
love hurts
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel... some tunnels are just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REally, reaLLy, R e a l l y long.