When Seven in the AM Struct
When seven in the AM struct
A sound echoed in the duct
It had travelled from below a flight of stairs
Right by a door that ceases airs
As my hounds cried out in curiosity
All I could do was sit up solemnly
Despite the indifference you could not see behind
There was then fear and doubt in my mind
"My, oh my, who could it be at this hour?
I've nary had time to get ready nor shower!
Outside it is still dark
Why couldn't they have just gone to the park?
Me myself and I
we keep ourselves in bed where we lie
Who could it be knocking at my door?
Is it an attack they have in store?"
The bell had rung once more, such a dreadful ode it was
And all I did was sit and ponder, allowing my worries to buzz
Perhaps it was that lad who strolls in the dead of night talking to himself
Or perhaps it's some guy looking for his shelf
Perhaps behind the door is someone waiting with a gun
How I hope eventually it'll be no one
I must sit still for you see
They'll knock all day if they hear me
Even if it wasn't a threat, I wasn't in any condition to socialize
Perhaps my mind goes far too fast, maybe it's not worth it to analyze
Still, despite logic returning to my frantic and tired mind
Anxiety crept up despite logic's effort to leave it behind
Thrice it had rung, perhaps it was something important
What was wrong with me, why was I hesitant?
There was no such thing as the boogeyman, and yet
I still fail to realize how severe my anxiety can get
In a sudden burst of stubbornness and arrogance
I decided to give the door a chance
Calling myself dumb and absolutely ridiculous
And promptly deciding that being proven wrong was more delicious
Delicious it was, quite literally
for it was my beloved neighbor who had waited so patiently
I wondered if in his head he had declared, "Finally!"
As he handed over a tray of sweets so delicately
Formally, I had apologized
And spared him of the details surrounding my mind so agonized
When the door had closed, I zoned out momentarily
And once again sat down solemnly
Within these dark walls it does me no favor
I figured that I should have been braver
Yet, once more to my room I slink
Alone in a dark room, just to think