The Falling of the Fifth Sun.
I'm hiding in a field of corn, my stalk swaying in sync with the other corn stalks arround me. I can sense the air growing humid and my leaves feel the heat of the sun bearing down on them.
Suddenly, I hear a loud cracking and the corn around me begins to shake. The wind begins to pick up and I know what is coming for me.
Fear laces through my leaves and I want to shape shift but I'll be caught as soon as I do. The wind stops, and I'm yanked up into the sky.
Pain rushes through my stalk and I hear a loud clap of thunder. "I've found you. You cannot escape." The laughing fades and then it's dark.
Setting my pencil down, I pick my head up and look at Teonantli. "Sorry mom, what did you say?" She laughs.
"I said what are you writing over there? You're real focused." She wiped her hands on her apron and stands at the head of the old oak table.
I close the book and sit up straight. The white walls felt too bright, and my eyes burned as I looked at her.
"I'm just writing down my dreams."
Mom walked closer, pulling out the wood chair next to me. "Is everything okay?" She says as she sits down.
"I don't understand. Why do I have to write down my dreams? It's just the same ones over and over."
"It's because you have to. Grandpa said so remember?"
I shrug, rubbing my hands together.
Mom reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "Noconetzin, everything we do, has reason. We aren't insignificant in this world." I look up, and see her eyes shining with humor and secrets. "Okay, Teonantli."
She smiles and sets a plate in front of me.
Mh pozole.