hold it in, like medicine
It's the disgusting sting on my tongue.
hold it in, like medicine
It's the burn in my throat
The sick in the back of my mouth
hold it in, like medicine
I've been given the wrong dose
The wrong pill. The wrong drug. The wrong cure.
hold it in, like medicine
But it destroys the natural harmony of my inner workings
It messes with my pH, triggers a fever;
It's killing me.
hold it in, like medicine
If I emptied my stomach onto to floor, my still pearly teeth would rot.
Spit would dribble down my clothes. I'd stink of vomit and natural digestive fluids. Eyes would draw to me, and they would see a mess instead of a victory.
I hold it in, like medicine
I keep the barf in the back of my throat. My nails break into my skin. I bite into my own tongue. The pain masks the acidic burn and the blood mixes with saliva. I pinch the sides of my mouth tight—none of that foul liquid will seep through.
No one will see.
hold it in, like medicine