Hey Prosedotcomniks!!
OK. Now that Batmaninwuhan and I have patched up our differences we are taking ourselves to task of configureening the proper space craft. And we're almost done.
It's made of plastics: Polycarbonate siding, polyvinyl sheathing, polyehtylene wrappers, polyeurethane varnish, and other polymers tucked throughout in the crevices. All recycled. Plus styrofoam and elastic. We recycled/ reclaimed/ reused/ and reduced everything ourselves. Still fresh but not tacky. I think...
As a satellite myself, micro pocket size, I am pouring over the details in the electronic wiring, while Batman is ramming together the final parts of the Prosedotcomnik Rocket Launcher Model ABZ: Whisper-2000-the-Better-to-See-U-Clap-on Clap-Offer.
It has a livestream webcam in front behind and on all sides in and exterior. Fish Eye, and surround sound. It's going to be a spinoff to the Prose YouTube channel, maybe...
Procketeer itself is shaped like a Blimpie and has a megaphone to announce us to on-coming traffic in case anybody misses us. We're THAT big.
Batmaninwuhan says he's not sure if anyone wants to onboard, actually, but the thing is just about ready, and I have confidence so I'm calling in some newbies for support:
@CharlieWrites ...to test the feel of the walls and to check we got the upholstery right
@Wilmer ...to check if we are traveling far enough to matter...
@Celeben ...to bring and help decipher the cartograph....
@HandsofFire ...to help us find imaginary creatures!
@tinad ...to help with settling live entertainment
@RamonElCamino ...to look out for the void or voids or voided
@CinnamonWhistle ...to find what's missing in outer space
@Benife1999 ...to bring extra SPLUNK-1002 study material
@Valtunk ...to keep the butterfly diary
@CoreignHoff ...to Haiku the trip when it wraps up
And @ChrisSadhill we really need your help with the celebrity guest list.
To be sure everyone at Prose is VIP welcome!! Please let me know how we should stock the refreshment bar? what music, what bonus equipment, comfort objects, or your preferred seating, who next to who? bring a friend or two...
We have like 144.7 K seats in here... and Batmaninwuhan is buildering an addition.... or maybe it's just his private compartment??? I dunno...
In any case we're heading up, and who knows what we will find? or see below?
There will be lots to write home about, of that we can be sure.
ProseTrip Challenge @ChrisSadhill