I love you
I remember,
the first time I said
"I love you"
and truely meant it,
my hands shook,
my mind raced,
and my heart feared.
feared you'd reject me.
feared you'd hurt me.
but you said it back
and you truely meant it.
the words
"I love you"
became meaningless
I no longer love
your face
your smell
your hands
your voice
the way you smiled
the way you held my hand
the way you noticed so many things
that other people couldn't be bothered to
I can no longer say
"I love you"
but I can say
I'm sorry.
because when I hear those words from you
all I wanna do is cry
for what we once had.
for what we lost.
because when he says it
my heart jumps,
my lips smile,
and I can feel it in my soul
that he means it.
because I love
his face
his smell
his hands
his voice
the way he smiles
the way he holds my hand
the way he notices so many things about me I hardly cared to think about before he came along
more than I can ever remember loving you.
but I know.
I know that love was once strong.
I know that love was once real.
because I'm sorry.