Challenge of the Week CCXXIX
Write a short piece about a narrow escape. Story or poem. 25 big, fat bucks to the winner. Go.
the smile was only a curtain
fallen on the marriage night
hidden rape of my body and my dowry followed
in the faraway lonely cottage
of the hamlet Cleverness.
trophy empty of tears spent transported
to his fishing boat the next day
the world to see his newest slave
doing all the dirty for the angling
from the boat now fish-blood
sailing on the lake
Loch Ness
near Inverness
he needed not to know to swim
roared his crimson brute when falling
in the calm cold of eternal water
when my kitchen knowledge knife
freed his deathly grabby of the boat from deep
out of Loch Ness
not far
from Cleverness
my honeymoon there started
in the Cleverness
my honeymoon there ended
in the deep Loch Ness