give me a pen
I took the time to look around
At the hunched backs and bent necks
And the tears falling on a screen
I realize the wasted time
The autotuned screams
The pixelated faces
And girls who are fake
Or animated vulgarly
Scared to look real issues in the face
Like the amount of depression
And amount of pure worry
And children just wanting the future to hurry
Forget the enjoyment of the imagination
Nay the fear of face-to-face confrontation
or the character building we desperately desire
or the first time of feeling love's fire
let us find our religion in the left or the right
or what the internet says at 3 at night
let our blood run RBG
and our brains on dark mode
and believe anything
that Mark Zuckerburg wants to show
but for me
don't give me a screen
Or the fake ecstasy of pixels dancing
Give me a pen