"Humans are the most dangerous, unpredictable, helpful species I have come across to date. I haven't found a more invaluable yet infuriating member for my crew yet."
Don't know if this has been done already, but...Tell me how your alien sees humans, and why they see them that way.
Maybe Humans are the dangerous ones. Maybe they scare your alien, like they're the boogeymen of space. Perhaps your alien finds them intriguing. Whatever it is - I want it from an alien's perspective.
POV, tense, and story format are up to you. Want to monologue? Go for it. Want to have it be a conversation between two aliens? Perfectly fine. Want to make it an observation piece, a regular story, a 'ghost story' or urban legend or cautionary tale told by older aliens to younger aliens - whatever - have fun with it!
Ended June 30, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by ramblingbard in Sci-Fi