An open letter to my younger self.
Dear you,
As surprising as it sounds, I am finally happy now. After all the struggle, I can't even fathom a smile across my face. But time has been kind enough to heal me, and I am slowly working on repairing my damaged self.
Your choices that I had earlier cursed have turned out to be blessings in disguise. I now like the job I thought I'd hate. I am in love with the one who I thought would ruin my life. I am not lone anymore, I've been lucky enough to have found wonderful friends who have become family. Long gone are the nights when I would cry myself to sleep.
The scars you made on my skin remind me of how fragile and broken I was. I'm glad they've started to fade away. I've burnt all the diaries where I'd penned down my unexplainable feelings. I've slowly begun to forget how vulnerable and helpless I was, with self-doubt, failures, guilt, hopelessness, anxiety and self-abuse. Taking one step at a time, I've successfully walked through the path of self-healing, and I've managed to emerge victorious at the end. I am no more weak, but the best possible version of myself.
You should be proud of me, I've risen like a phoenix each time you failed me. I've hated you for a long time. But now, I've realised that you made me the person I am today, somebody with compassion, humility, generosity, empathy and everything else you could never let me have.
I am eternally grateful to you for giving me all the bittersweet experiences. They aren't memorable, but they've taught me what life is. Thank you for moulding me into the person I am today. I won't forget you, neither will I cherish you. You will remain in my heart for a lifetime, and I'll look up to you if I ever lose myself again.
Your future self.
#openletter #fiction #grattitude #peace #happiness