Tears sure are a funny thing,
They can make the eyes sting.
Flowing heavily when we are sad,
Healing us when we feel bad.
Flowing down when very happy inside,
When emotions you're trying to hide.
Welling up during a good deed,
For others that are in need.
Flowing when you hear someone sing.
Tears sure are a funny thing.
I received a notice my book was ready for pickup.
The librarian scanned my card, looked at my account and then stood up from her desk.
“Follow me.” She said. But her eyes and smile, definitely showed it was going to be worth it.
Deep in the back of the library.
She bent over at the waist to reach the book from the bottom shelf. Her black pumps matched her black draped skirt. No panty line was clear as she turned back to look up before standing.
When she handed me the book, she pressed her breasts against my chest. Her other hand slid down my shirt down to the top button of my pants.
Second later my cock was out and fully erect in her hand. Sliding to her knees she wrap her lips all the way down the shaft to where I could feel her at the base.
I was trying to keep my legs from giving out as she finished, checking me out.
“I look forward to you returning, the favor when it is due.” She said as I took the book. She pursed her beautiful red lips in a silent kiss as I left.
From the Grave
I saw your face as I sunk down,
deeper in the ground.
I saw your tears mix with the air,
till your eyes were dry and bare.
I heard your silent, slow goodbyes,
sent both below and towards the sky.
I heard your breathing miss a beat,
with your gaze never rising above your feet.
This marked the end of our long life,
filled with love and filled with strife.
This marked the end of our prime,
as we said our goodbyes for the very last time.
Frustration building,
Crackling like static under my skin
Tears flowing from mocha eyes,
Birthed from containing rage inside
Anger steadily mounting,
A violent storm brewing
Always keeping my mouth shut,
My lips locked tight
I fear that someday,
All the lightning and thunder
Will break free,
Pouring down in wrathful reign
I try to calm such feelings,
Stop them from ever bursting,
But, there are days
Where I simply long to scream
Everything, all the anger
And ugliness within,
Erupting for all to see
The eye of the storm,
In my inner planes
there is a light accumulating,
This light is hope.
It allows me to face
the deep unknown
that is brought in by darkness.
An illuminated temple
seated in my soul
A solar flare igniting
celebrations of new life.
If you were to peer in
you would be warmed,
nurtured even.
A home of inner peace
luminous love
& safe refuge.
Pillars of boldness,
& wisdom solidified.
I do not just have this light,
I Am The Light.
Garden Play
While watering my flowers
All the insects want to play
Butterflies jump rope beneath
The water spout I spray
Bumblebees spin hula hoops
Crickets leap frog’s backs
Grasshoppers skip hopscotch
Praying mantis play freeze tag
Evening time brings hide and seek
Skeeters lurk the woods
Fireflies flutter and tease
Lighting neighborhoods
Moths join in the antics
As nightfall draws them in
Chasing shadow puppets
In the milk of moonlight, dim
My mind lies somewhere at the bottom,
A jumble of disconnected pieces
The edges, slivers of jagged silver,
Too misshapen to form back together
There, the fragments rest,
Glimpses of more cheerful times,
Memories long since laid to rest
A swirling pit of despair,
A vortex brewed from fear,
A cage to warp all the sanity left
My mind lies somewhere at the bottom,
A jumble of disconnected pieces
That can never be put back together
There are so many things I want to run from
My Family
My Job
My weak body
My not-so-smart mind
And last but not least the reality of life
Run Run Run
But where can I run too
I try to hide
Behind the mountains
But everyone and everything just chases me
As I run out of breath
I slow down
And there goes my chance
To run away
Prose Partners
Together, we write — painting skies
Paper-white, swept on azure-blue
Raindrops, ink-storms mist our eyes
Pen’s to page as the cloud’s to the
One body, we lap mankind’s souls
Cerulean sketched ocean scapes
Sand fleas, building castles and moats
Cresting hearts, washed in lyrical waves
Architectural structures, sublime
Under me, under you; mystifies
Foundations of contrast and rhyme
Toothpick towers of phrase paradise
First, born in love with words; smitten
Aster flowers, bamboo branches and
Unnatural, squares - quilt patch
Ivy lattice laced prose, drawing bees
Eyes of artists see poems in living
Words work their ways into sonnets
Encouraging lambs in sheep’s clothing
Gifted writers, not just an(y) other
Stained glass windows; our joy in the
Scatters light, shades of heart’s hopeful
A lark in the woods should we wane
Inspiration, when words remain few
Verse-stippled pigments paint canvas
Writing fame with the stars in the sky
Tapestry, woven, we blanket
Carpe Noctem; blue-black seizing
Spilling ink from our vessels of clay
Bards bake pie; huckleberry hue
Staining flesh as our fingers, we splay
Art from words that will live on forever
This piece is in honor of all the Prosers in our wonderful community! If your username isn’t included, please know that you are still there within these lines and in the spirit that this was written. <3 thank you for taking the time to read this and for always being so supportive!