Stigma Lenses
Stupid rope, your mates have accomplished this in past times but you choose to unbraid your strings for me
Stupid knife, you’re so blunt it shocks my skin
Stupid pill, you are just like the medicine man, very ineffective
Stupid bridge, you should have made it mentioned that what is below is overly shallow
Stupid highway, you only boast of traffic jams from dusk till dawn
Stupid river, it was simple, you should have washed me down an ocean not up to land
Suicide seems justifiable to these eyes with stigma lenses.
#stigmatization #suicide #life #lost #confusion #redemption
Authors Note: Stigmatization makes the disease spur & kill it's victim faster. Stop it!
Born A Day Late (rewrite)
I was born a day late than I was supposed to
You may as well call me past due.
My mother told me that she wanted me to be born on the day her country, El Salvador, declared its independency from Spain.
Her pain would have been worth the wait for her child to be born on that day.
September 15,
I'm itching to overcome my sixteenth day of birthing because just like everything in life
I am late,
You can call me a delay
My airplane is running behind.
It's ok because I'm used to being a day late,
It's starting to become a dilemma.
Born a day late and elementary started a year later for me
Born a day late and fate had me on a date with deafness.
Born a day late full of caged rage, I gauge my age flared everything up!
Born a day late and it's past time to celebrate the independency
Born a day late and a sage dared me to bathe in God's safe haven
Born a day late and I learned the deadline for
college semester was yesterday
And just like yesterday was just a day early
For some of us in life
As we prematurely rush into situations we weren't ready to navigate in
We're stuck on a situation-ship!
We don't even know where we're going and we have the nerve to say "Look at me, I am the captain of this ship"!?!
Homie, sit down and take out your pen and pad, you need to scribble these notes down.
Don't give up on yourself, on me and others.
I would love for all of us to move at the same pace but the truth is that we aren't.
We are not all wired the same way,
We don't all click like the tock on the tick of the clock.
Wise up and humble down because
Some of us have a short fuse since the temperament we have far exceed the room temperature we need to operate
To a certain degree.
You see, I'm not complaining about being a
step too slow compared to everyone else.
I took my time to learn on my own pace and I wouldn't have it any other way simply because it is what made me who I am.
My identity is not based on how fast I can catch up to you, it is based on the decisions I make with my time, my love, my passions.
You see, I'm not complaining about being a
step too slow compared to everyone else
Because I'm not on my time,
I'm in the time of God
He is the one that decided to step into my tomorrow while I was a day late so He could erase my yesterday!
So here's to new beginnings, here's to a new tomorrow and a better expectation for a reality we want to see in life!
Don't be down on yourself for being born a day late.
Just look at me.
I Am Forgivable
Want me, want me with a drop
A drop that can force a ripple
Rippling buried love and calling it to resurrect
Resurrecting the birth, to my minty love
Can I swear? I swear to bake a love
A love this time, with promises kept
Promises kept till my death kisses fade
Kisses, fading into memories woven by us
End it, end this clown of a union
A union pregnant with fears of affairs
Fears of affairs of her and he
As he butchers your essence around her
Consider me, consider us for forever
For a forever that is as thick as a pillar
A pillar without cracks of perfidy and skepticism
Skeptic of if I am forgivable!