Among Trees
She walked through the forest at night. The moon high, but her gaze low. Her illumination came from her memory. The walk was familiar though she’d never walked that far.
Tall trees, like bars on a cage, kept her company. Though she could not see the animals called and shattered the silence. She imagined her walk would be long, but she never did know when her comforting cage door would open releasing her into unbound openness.
There was innocence and naivety. Her dress became more dirty the longer the walk too. Whether the forest was taking the cleanness of her dress or if her cleanness was taking along the forest she couldn’t truly tell. For a while she could see herself and the forest becoming one. Her tall tree arms and wide root feet. The forest was everything she wanted to be.
Though the walk would soon end she enjoyed it loosely. She wouldn’t stay still hugging trees or stuff the soft moss in her pockets. She simply walked without foreseeable end, just an understanding of end.
For all things end, but memory did not so she let it illuminate.
The Castle On The Hill
The question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or the others crazy?
~Albert Einstein
The King died suddenly the way kings do, not because they all die suddenly, but because their power does and they suddenly are not The King and that is when The King dies despite whether or not the king dies at all. When this king died there was no The Prince so there was no new The King. There was The Heir, but he was only The Heir because people wanted him to be The King.
The Heir didn't want to be The King though, because in his mind The King that had died was a terrible person and the only thing that is able to make The King a terrible person is The Power to rule and the want to do it. So The Heir gathered a group of men and they formed The Advisers.
"The Advisers will advise The People and they will all be their own rulers with The Power that The People give them." The Heir said and that was a wonderful idea.
The People liked that The Heir was not The King and they tried very hard to make the plan that gave The Power to The People work. Not all The People liked the plan though and some of them tried just as hard to make it fail. There was not a long period of time where the plan worked and so The Advisers took to the conference once more to think of a new plan.
The conference lasted much longer this time and out of the wreckage that was the conference as a whole arose a new type of leader they called The Thinker. The Thinker was a wise man with many plans stored in the parts of his brain that not many people thought to open, but by definition it was his job to use those parts of his brain so he could create the plans that The People wanted to hear and practice. The Thinker thought up many plans and their were The Opposers that tried to dismantle the plans, but The Thinker thought of everything and in the end his plan was solid and he won.
The Thinker's plan became known as The Plan and The Plan became The Power and The Power passed from The Heir to The Leader. In this instance The Heir died because the man who we have thus far called The Heir became The Leader abandoning his place as The Heir, but not actually dying. The People followed The Leader and The Leader led them into an age that was good.
Then The Leader died. The real kind of died. The Power chose a new The Leader with the help of The People and this went on for several passages of power until there came a new kind of The Leader called The Tyrant.
The Tyrant was not always The Tyrant as most leaders do not begin their life as The Leader, but The Tyrant also did not start his reign as The Leader as The Tyrant. At first he was just as any The Leader was and he was fairly mild and mildly fair. He gave laws and he told The People his promises and he tried to fulfill them.
The People did not like his promises. The Power given to The People began to mean less to The Leader and he did not change his ways. The Leader stopping giving laws and started taking laws away. Soon there was only one law saying that The Leader was The Power and The People were The Obeyers this was called The Law and nobody liked it, but The Obeyers obeyed. This marked the final death of The Leader and the birth of The Tyrant that was The Opposition to The People.
The Tyrant took away things that The People had for so long that they did not know how to do the things that they usually did without it. These things were called The Rights. The Rights were a part of The Plan that The People had agreed on with The First Leader, that they called him now that there had been more than one, and they had never thought that they might be taken. The King was pushed away from The Power because he had taken The Rights, but no one alive had dealt with the loss of The Rights before.
The members of the generation that had many good The Leaders and they had taken advantage of that using The Power to have many good things that could have been shared with the younger generations, but were not. The People that had to live in the world of The Tyrant were scared. They had no The Rights and they had no good things that could have been shared because the good things were not shared.
The only solace that The People had was that The Tyrant would soon die as many great The Leaders had and they would get a new The Leader and he would not be a tyrant. The People waited for a long time suffering a great sadness when the world that they loved changed so much even beneath their very feet. The world became filled with gas and smog that was hard to breath in and the world changed from innovative and progressive to stuck in the sinking sand of refusal to change stuck with the same ideas and the same products with less quality than there had been in former years.
The former generations blamed the newer ones. The newer generations blamed the older ones. It was all a circle of blame, but never a circle of change and The Tyrant reigned strong and bolder than any other The Leader had ever been and so The People began to doubt that The Tyrant would die at all.
The Tyrant, during this time of distress amongst The People, looked out onto his reign and it was not perfect to him. It was not perfect to anyone. The land had once been called The Land of Promise because The People had The Power, but The Power had abandoned The People and The People blamed The Tyrant and The Tyrant blamed The People and the blame became The Blame because it took control of everyone. Everyone was pointing fingers not wondering if the direction they should be pointing was at themselves.
In the end of it all, The People were just people. The Tyrant was just a man with too much power. The Power was everyone's and it was just power.
It was everyone's fault and it was no ones fault.
And that marked the day that The Kingdom became the kingdom and the kingdom died.
Loving The Clumps On Her Eyelashes
Once upon a time there was a girl
Typing, tapping, looking up, but always looking down
The shy smiles and the freckles that she never let you connect
That girl who you loved when she was there and forgot when she was not
She was a shy girl that had a bright laugh
There was a pile of book in her arms like a pet
It was a comfort to her
The paper smell was a home smell
And she had clumps in her eyelashes.
The tears that had run down her cheeks
To the beat of the story books she read
Became her best feature
When she bowed over paper
She created the worlds that no one had else had ever seen before
The ink flowed through every alley she could reach
And if the end that ink flowed for the world to see
She was beautiful in all her ways
But the most that she was ever alive
Was when she cried tears of joy at the sight of her work
The crowds of the fans saw the tears and they loved too
They started loving the clumps in her eyelashes