Make Me Smile Challenge
Worry not, at the end every tunnel, there is light, and it calls out to you and only you. Can you feel the warm summer rays kissing your cheek like the whisper of one‘s love? Can you hear the wind rustling the leaves of a mighty oak tree, singing to you in the voices of tiny bird chirping to each other? This world is yours, take it, tell the cloud to move out of the way of this beautiful world.
A Day
Every day, do something that makes you happy. It doesn't have to be smiling/laughing, just something you want to do. Every day there's something worth the effort, no matter how small. It's okay to need time or do things just for yourself - you're a terrific person and you're definitely worth it. Break the day as small as you need to keep things manageable, make a list if it helps. Things may not be great right now, but trust they'll get better. If you don't feel like trusting yourself, trust your friends/family. They believe in you because you're worth it.
How Echo helps me out
“Echo, I need a piece of advice.”
“Go ahead, you old man.”
“See, I am trying to teach a few good tricks to an alligator so he can look very smart to his buddies, but he is not able to hear me well from under the water. He wants to quietly sit by me and learn the tricks right. He also tells me he is very allergic to duct tapes. Do I let him sit by me and learn?”
“You dummy, the predators remain quiet before they attack. It’s the perfect calm before the storm.”
“Oh, I see.”
Hi, this is Diddly, Diddly the Dot.
Diddly sees you sad.
Diddly comes to hug you.
Diddly trips. Don't worry, he rolls. He just rolls with it.
Diddly bumps in to your foot.
Diddly looks up at you. Diddly waves.
Then Diddly hugs you and says,
"You good. Stay good. Smile good."
Diddly pats you. You is Diddly's friend.
Diddly accepts you. So You accept you.
Diddly wuves you.
I’m spinning around you
When you are fishing in turbid waters
And it is dripping into your soul
When all the secrets are betrayed and you feel lost
When the compass shows only heaven and hell
When your senses become blur
When you can’t forgive yourself
Nobody won’t extinguish your fire
What nobody knows
I will find out for you
From every maze
From every blackmail
I will let you out
I will extinguish every curse
I will guide you through the deepest valley
I will cut you away from the stakes of martyrdom
I am spinning around you
While floating in this dreamless space
I discover that time is a multi-faceted beast
too fickle to hold the weight of my many dimensions
disappearing continuously, melting, solidifying,
creating an unrecognizable blur
I have promised to live unapologetically:
done my best to eliminate regrets
erased the most disgusting parts of my past
but in nights like these, what else is there to ponder over?
I want to put a solid image to this feeling,
to evaporate into the comforts of a metaphor.
but tonight there is nothing left but honesty; I have no poetry
left in me. tonight there is nothing but a singular fear:
that I will die without having ever lived;
that I will fall asleep without anything beautiful
to dream about.
Some life lessons
1. Everything is a choice, but not everything is your choice.
2. A lot of things just don't work out.
3. If you tell yourself there's nothing good in the world, eventually you'll stop seeing it.
4. No matter how big you think the universe is, trust me, it's bigger.
5. That doesn't mean you're so awfully insignificant. It just means there's a lot here besides you.
6. Life is not a box of chocolates or a roller coaster, stop trying to turn it into a metaphor. Life is just life.
when every minute counts
"Things will turn around for you" - she says.
I look at her with my "good" eye, the bruised and battered one is barely opening by now. Blood dripping from my chin, I wipe it off and stare at her coldly.
You're not the one who gets to fight Alexis.
I know Jane but...
Yes ?
You're doing so great... even with all of the difficulties.
You mean things like handling the sociopaths, trying to kill innocent people
because of me...
No! There are life's saved because of you, you're helping them - she says eagerly, her head bobbing up and down like a cartoon.
My body doesn't seem to agree with you on that - I move my head in different directions and the neck pops every time, bones trying to find their right place - and I don't think that the word "great" gives the right feel to the entire picture here.
You're making amends for all of the bad things you did in your life J. You're earning a clean slate...
Yeah, so the Hell doesn't consume me... and instead just spits me out in acid.
Things will turn around for you - she repeats and somehow this time I believe her. I sigh heavily - So do you know the location of the next victim? - I ask, trying to fix a dislocated shoulder.
Yes, uhm... - she looks at her tablet screen - South of town. The "Propulus" building.
Great, this is all just very wonderful... but it would be so much better if we could see more than 5 minutes ahead.
We are doing the best we can... and soon we might be able to see approximately seven minutes and thirty seconds ahead into the future! Isn't that amazing?!
Sometimes it's all that I think about Alex... all I think about.
End of scene.