"Time is a three-dimensional silence."
-Orhan Pamuk
There is value in taking some time to sit back and observe what's going on around you. Take a normal occurrence you observed in the world- a man consoling a crying child in a crowded bus, a fox running across the road- and turn it into a poem or a story. get creative :) and tag me @ubiquitous.
Ended June 5, 2019 • 18 Entries • Created by ubiquitous
your writing style.
each writer is gifted with a unique voice that sets them apart from all others, regardless of skill or following. I am curious- what's yours? show me, in any way, how your style reflects your soul. GET CREATIVE- or don't- it's up to you! and tag me @ubiquitous
Ended May 29, 2019 • 15 Entries • Created by ubiquitous
love letter
I'm a sucker for love, as I'm sure many of us are, whether we want to admit it or not. Write a love letter to anyone- maybe someone you've loved for a long time, or even someone you've never met. Make it as serious or informal as you want- whoever makes my heart melt the most wins.
Ended May 19, 2019 • 48 Entries • Created by ubiquitous
a moment
For my very first Prose challenge, I would like you to recreate a simple, fleeting moment that moved you or touched you in some way, whether it be be a life-changing event or a simple realization. tag me in the comments @ubiquitous .
Ended March 21, 2019 • 7 Entries • Created by ubiquitous in Micropoetry