mind over matter part two.
it's important.
but why is it important?
because i don't want to forget.
but isn't that what's making you hurt...?
you wouldn't understand, it's illogical, irrational.
you could understand the concept...
but it wouldn't be the same...
for me to understand the concept, wouldn't it?
if you're asking these questions now,
then you should know your answer.
stop signs
it's raining, i'm in the car.
i remember the night i told you.
the night i told you how i really felt.
i remember the afternoon you told me.
the afternoon you broke my heart.
i remember the night you kissed me.
the night i knew you couldn't mean what you said.
i remember the night i started feeling things.
the night we went to dinner.
i still have the receipt.
i remember it all.
and it all breaks my heart.
but we were nothing more,
then these cars passing by.
my heart is in your hands
i gave you my heart willingly, but you had it anyway.
you took it with grace and cautiousness, and set it in a tank filled to the brim with love and adoration.
your eyes reflect what's within you, and i see upon them the saddness and distress you hold.
yet you caress me with your words so tenderly.
this is real
and some nights I'm not so,
and I can feel my mind
slipping to thoughts of you,
like an overflowing cup of
and I can feel it,
all over,
staining my shirt
with clear liquid.
no one can see
the differences
but I can feel it
burn my skin
like acid, and these
tears I cried for you,
or rather because of you.
and those nights I'm not
so strong. I can feel it,
all over again.
the heartache
I Will Never Forget This Feeling.
The heavy emptiness weighing
On my heart.
Pulling the strings of the piano
That are my mind.
I will never forget this feeling.
The despair and resignation
Of forgiving of being forgotten.
Because the hurt was
Too much.
I will never forget this feeling.
The heart beat that is broken
That makes up two and a half
That were our favorite song.
I will never forget this feeling.
The restlessness of being lost,
In the place I knew so,
I will never forget this feeling.
The sound waves that echo,
In the space between my thoughts,
The echos of the words,
That were once yours.
I will never forget this feeling.
Of hearing myself say,
"What if I didn't have the courage that day?"
"What if we didn't go so fast?"
I will never forget this feeling.
Of not being able to tell you,
Everything I didn’t say,
When I had the chance.
I will never forget the feeling,
Of loving you with my whole heart.