It had been gloomy and raining for days, and we'd been hanging out inside playing games and doing puzzles. My twin 2 1/2 year-old brothers were getting tired of the house, though, and I bundled them up and herded them outdoors. I told them that we were going to run up and down our driveway (which is very long and hilly) 10 times before heading back inside. So we began tramping up and down the driveway. It was one of the last times up that I, with my long legs, got ahead of them as they straggled up, tired of walking, behind me. I stood at the top waiting for them, and finally one of them reached me. Looking up into my eyes as he slipped his hand into mine, he told me, "I'm glad we're done 'cause I ran out of footsteps!"
My First Love
I looked up into her face with adoration in my eyes. She gazed back at me with the sweetest smile I'd ever seen. My heart began to beat faster as she reached for my hand, and held it in her own. I grasped it tightly, lest she let go. I let my eyes speak my love for her; my overflowing love. She was my all: my very life! Without her I would die, lonely and afraid. But as long as she held me close, I would be just fine.
She leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "I love you!"
I tried to speak, but the words just wouldn't come. But, that didn't stop me from looking at her with devotion and a look that meant, "'til death do us part!"
Once more she drew me closer, and whispered, "You'll always be my little baby; even when you've grown..."
I gazed up at her and replied in my heart, "And I will always remember you as my first love... Dearest of Mothers!"
A Dream
What is a dream? A dream is something that you want, but is always out of reach. It is there to keep you going higher and higher. One of my dreams is to make other's dreams become real. I will reach for my dreams as long as it hurts no one fatally, and does not destroy another's dream. I can dream of my dreams, and doing so makes me more of a person. Or maybe it makes me more of dreamer, which is fine with me. You see, I will never reach my dreams, just like I can't reach into the sky and touch a star. But I can keep soaring higher and higher as I gaze up at it glimmering in the sky. Perhaps, someday I will come close enough to reach out a timid finger and touch it. Perhaps.