Your Punishing Disguise
Here's where the horse's hooves dig
deep into the dust,
and you say:
"Fuck it. I'm done"
No more of this pussy-footing around
when the clouds are at my back,
and the shift is taking it's course.
You crush your cig under your heel,
and smash the face
of the next train-wreck who tries in their misguided way
to scrawl a smile into your stonehedge...
God, they get
so fucking tired
in their century old approach...
Just like an ancient broach
in some shoddy vintage store
some dead grandmother left behind,
that everyone dutifully ignores
because it fouls up the atmosphere
with it's rank odor,
and it's hideous design...
Fuck that shit,
it's neither yours or mine
to bother with...
Most probably possessed
with an evil spirit
that anyone with any lick of sense
would turn tail, and leave in a trail of their dust...
Why are you still rusting in his brittle arms, my love?...
His ignorance abounds,
and he stands there in the same place when you come home
like a coat rack
for your rain jacket to hang upon, and drip, drip...
The fucker has a hard-on
for your punishing diguise...
Alessa Cleanse
I know he fed you honey,
And acted proud to be with you,
But sometimes that’s an act,
Of something cowards do,
Because I know he called your pretty,
And so talented and smart,
But now he’s got you hating yourself,
Right down to an art,
For in public you were perfect,
And the best wife of them all,
Until the moment he came home,
And beat you down so small,
You’ve patiently waited for him to change,
To who he used to be,
But that is not the man he is,
He just had honey.
Animals in Places They Shouldn’t Be (to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Turkey in a coffee shop
Why's he here?
Who's he with?
Turkey in a coffee shop
Hide your drinks from him.
Hippo in a corner store.
Here he comes.
Watch your toes.
Hippo in a corner store.
What's he plan to buy?
Dog sitting high up in a tree.
How'd he climb?
Where'll he go?
Dog sitting high up in a tree.
He won't fall, I hope.
Horses in a swimming pool.
Can they swim?
Take a pic.
Horses in a swimming pool.
Don't drink that water!
Cheeta in a shopping mall.
Running fast
through the halls.
Cheeta in a shopping mall.
There to buy some shoes.
Peacock on the streets of town.
Watch him go.
Feathers float.
Peacock on the streets of town.
Prettiest thing you'll see.
we'd meet in the swimming pool with blue-green square tiled walls and no water
every tuesday at 2am
and we'd lie down spreadeagled on the floor of the pool
wondering what it would feel like
if we were lying flat under 15,000 litres of water
and then you'd laugh
and i'd laugh too but only because you laughed
and i love the way your eyes crinkle
and you'd say that it's nice somehow
to dream about being trapped but actually being free
because you usually stay awake at night
thinking of things the other way round,
trying to run away from life
and i would say me too
and then we'd be still and silent for a little while
just being happy with eachother and forgetting about all there is to think and care about.
one day you pulled me closer
and i rolled to your side
and you pressed your mouth to my ear and whispered
my momma found out about us last tuesday
and she told me not to come here anymore
and this might probably be the last time we can be like this so
please, Even,
can i give you a kiss?
your kiss would be our very first and last kiss
that i had dreamt about for many nights
so i said yes, of course, i love you
and i wanted to close my eyes but i didn't because i had to see you.
it tasted like the cheap mint chewing gum
that you get from the corner store near your house
and that i would start to get
every friday onwards
because i never wanted to forget the taste of you.
and then we would stop staring into the night sky through the metal wire
chain-link fence beside the pool
and we'd climb out
and we'd hug because we were tired of waiting till tuesdays to hold eachother
and then we would start making our ways home,
out of the alley, you and i walking half of the highway
then splitting up down two smaller streets
then turning and turning farther away from where we remember seeing the other
until i wouldn't be able to chase after you and find you
even if i tried
because you'd be too far gone
and that's how things were.
that's how things were supposed to be.
i could never find you and you could never find me.
we could only ever find the street sign where our lives intersected
and trust in the other to be there too
and pretend for a night
that we would never lose eachother
and that we'd always be kids
and that we'd always live where we did
and that we could always come to this street sign at 2am on tuesdays when we needed a friend
and that our parents would never find out
and that we could hold eachother for as long as we ever wanted or needed to
and that we loved eachother
didn't we?
didn't we love eachother so, so much?
didn't our love transcend the two small worlds we each lived in?
wasn't our love an infinity
that would never, ever die?
#verylongpost #poetry #congratsifyougotthroughthat #sweetyounglovethatneverlasts
I am
I am the elephant in the room
I am the skeleton
you trapped in your closet
Out on full display
I am the sound people hear
When freedom rings
And spread its deterrent ruffled angel wings
I am the truth people try to avoid
I am the reason they wear masks
(For I am the whispers of the guilty
And the silent cries of the innocent)
I am the sunlight driving out
the darkness of the night
I am the hope the hopeless cling on to
for dear life so they can get out of bed
I am the ever fading dreams of the poor
I am the Justice the wronged searches for
I am who people go to
when they have no where else to go
and have lost everything they hold dear
I am the elephant in the room
I am the skeleton
you trapped in your closet
Out on full display
I am the sound people hear
When freedom rings
And spread its deterrent ruffled angel wings