Welcome to Being Alone-R Fully Extended
Nobody listened to when false charges were placed on record:
Was a lost little shepherd.
Didn't care when one wanted to end this existence:
Only through the power of resistance I persisted.
Wasn't about the actual truth when it mattered, only what can you provide or prove:
One's heart was treated like pizza batter, until it shattered.
Fortunately, I just let time move on and not stay back to confide.
Nearly everyone was about them advantages, Business, Love etc...
Wanted everything you could provide yourself for themselves, so what about that wealth/health/sense of self?
It went to hell, so I stay to oneself.
So, I listened to music/wrote/cared for self the most drowning everything out.
Alone welcome it resuscitated one from the harshness from the pains.
In the end it provided one with endless gains
I'm glad one life wasn't in vain.
The lessons learned.
Life has taken a humble turn.
One with little doubt and ever-changing route.
Being alone that's the life I'm talking about.
This was a conversation to myself.
The time has come to pass it on to everybody else.
Welcome to Being Alone-R
Nobody listened to when false charges were placed on record:
A lost little shepherd.
Didn't care when one wanted to end this existence:
Only through the power of resistance one persisted.
Wasn't about the truth when it mattered, Heart was shattered
So, listened to music/wrote/cared for self-drowning everything out. Alone.
What Troubling You?
Your life?
Your Abusive Ex-Wife?
Your Current Girlfriend or Wife?
Your Job/Career?
Your snobby co-worker/ boss at the Job?
Your school?
Your grades? Friends?
Your car? What about it?
Your House/Home? Homeless?
You being lonely or alone?
Your feelings about yourself or others?
Your low on money or broke?
You can't travel?
Can't figure something out?
Well, it's okay nothing is perfect. All things come and go. Do you and move forward.
Rambling Some More
Lying in bed having a little writer's block.
Yesterday I was almost writing non-stop, around the clock.
My brain is almost fizzled out, so I'm going to stop.
For today it's been a while since I wrote here until a few days ago.
Just writing whatever goes you know?
I like challenges with rules requirements; it makes things different with conditions,
but sometimes I like to make things little different to have fun that's my intent.
I pour my feelings into words as if they're my creation, but without the language you would never feel this kind of satisfaction deprivation.
If You Enjoy/Feel a Strong Emotion or Helps You Why Not?
I write for me I am selfish. You don't have to like me. I like writing whether I'm a real writer or not, it does not take away what I like to do, and writing/music/reading/exercise helps me in ways nothing else can most times. I do it for my enjoyment, confirmation to myself etc... If you're inspired by my writing or get ideas from my writing use the ideas. I'm not here to stop or judge you. Not everything is positive its different right? Don't be afraid to switch it up/go off the rail sometimes. Heck I'll probably do requests from people to write about subjects or freestyle writing.
I have a dream almost every night. I also forget usually when I finish sleeping, but when I do remember I sometimes write them down.
It started off with Shellmore (My name in the dream) it was quite dark outside. I got on a yellow long school bus to go home. I saw maybe 4-5 others on the bus as well, so I sat somewhere in the middle of the bus, and it pulled off. About 15 minutes later I sensed something wrong while looking through the window at the dark woods. I turned to the front of the bus and all the students were either black/camo or gone. I told the bus driver to "stop the bus I'm getting off here" he replied: "are you sure?" I responded with "I'll take my chances here after-all I know what you trying to do demon. I rather still be in my world and survive." He opened up the door and let me out. I stepped off the bus then he pulled off.
After a few minutes walking through the woods, I saw these creatures or humans (too dark to tell) running through the woods. I took off my shoes to follow them. (Running non-stop). Running at the same pace as them I was sure they didn't notice me, but I turned around more were behind me and seemingly welcoming me. I felt that this was strange in the middle of nowhere practically sneaking in their group their destination unknown and they sit there welcoming me as though nothing happened. I felt sudden fear inside me and stopped running others behind tried to push me along but I spun-off them and went in the opposite direction full speed for approximately 5 minutes.
Running straight and slowed down gradually. I saw a 2-story cabin like house in the distance sneaking up to it. I climbed to a blurred window and as I reached with one hand to open it someone else opened it from the inside. I froze as I held on from the railing bar at the side of the window with both hands. Then I realized it was Brandon one my friends from real life. He started using the bathroom while not noticing I was near the window. I let go of the bar fell to the ground and knocked on the front door. The door opened Uwan another friend from real life (we all knew each other in real life) said: "What's good Q?" How you been?" I replied: "same as always". I went into the house and chilled/play games/ drank tea, eat and told stories together. (Then I woke up.)
Proceed with Caution: [These protect you and the user please read!]
-Danger do not act "holier than thou" you have made errors/mistakes/sinned too you're no better than anyone else.
-Do not force your personal beliefs/rules on anyone, everyone has different ways of thinking and rules/principles.
-Keep false accusations to yourself the life isn't worth it.
-Do not ask one to trust you when one has already seen you being double-minded with others.
-Do not ask about past it will be told on one's own time.
-Do not waste one's time seriously can't get that back unlike your teeth.
-Do not lie.
-Not everything on warning label other side effects may occur please call 1-have-fun for more information.
Pen to Late Paper
Anger is boiling.
Voice is roaring.
Thoughts are destroying.
Heart is poisoning.
Heat is scorching.
Humans are gorging.
Hope they are enjoying.
Time is running.
It's not funny.
Only in my 20's.
Can't see where I'm going.
I am slowing.
It stopped not showing.
Moving the oceans.
Earth is responding to my emotions.
Writing OverDrive Wired
Art, creativity, happiness, sense of self becomes you.
Word, play I go in depth as being correct at best.
If not become corrected like the rest at all planes of existence.
I'm with-it ideas/words pouring out of my head, unto paper like never before.
Trying to keep going until my mind and body becomes slow.
A change in scenery brung about new ideas to mind and I convert it unto paper.
Trying to translate it to someone who has connections to be seen or heard.
But before it comes to that curve, I fumble around in my mind seeking unique ideas and common sense all I'm usually finding is corporate nonsense. Rare as "new ideas" are it cannot be compared for that is yours and yours alone unless you make it known.
Be it writing, drawing, painting etc... metamorph it into something else 1 idea becomes many.