Spiritual Amazement
I was in a relationship and we talked alot about love ones that have move on. One particular person is her aunt that passed and she didn't get to see her as much as she wanted. She told me that she would have probably loved me if she had met me. Well, later that day I was working at my store on the counter, and my employees kept telling me that a customer was demanding to see me. I looked down the counter and there was a lady standing there all in black and she was black, darked skin with a mini curly bush. So I went down the counter to talk to her. She stared me down. I greeted her and she smiled and said hello. She said "You have the prettiest smile.". I said "Thank you". Well just then my employee needed a manager's signature and I said excuse me for a second and looked off to put my signature and turn back around and she was gone. I went outside to look for her and it was if she had vanished in thin air. Once I ask around it seem that no one saw her but me. Creepy enough, I finished working and went home. I told my girlfriend about the store. She looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. She told me that the lady I met that day was her aunt that we were talking about early. She said I described her to a tee. That explained why I was the only one that saw her. True story.
The Flip Side
It's easy to have a bleak outlook on the future of humans. Based on the statistics, it would be unrealistic to not have a sense of pessimism. Hell, based on personal experience, it's hard not to place any sense of optimism on the shelf.
That said, there are movements that push against the decline of society, whatever that may mean to you. There is a strong movement to return to the nuclear family, or at least an updated version of it. I don't foresee people having as many kids as they did in the past for a multitude of reasons but parents are making more of an effort to have stronger and healthier relationships with the children that they do have. To raise their children in a way that is different than how they were raised so that they can go into the world with more self-awareness and understanding. Parents may only have a few children due to whatever circumstances befall them, but that doesn't mean that their children will follow the same path, especially if they are given a different outlook and a better future.
Medicine is always improving, as is our knowledge on health, nutrition, and fitness. There are those who protest against these advancements, but they are a vocal minority. We have more interest and access to what's in our food and how it affects us and can make better decisions based on this. A sharper lens has been placed on reproductive health and how we can create longer, healthier, and happier lives. As those in my generation get older, we see the struggles of the previous generations and seek to break those cycles for ourselves. I hate to sound so harsh, but those who are complacent against such things are likely going to die off sooner, and will leave behind those who take their lifestyle more seriously. Those who take it seriously are likely to spread those values to others in their life.
With social media, it's easier than ever to find information to better yourself, to better the world around you, to even be made aware that there are elements of the self and society that are in desperate need of changing. Admittedly, this is a double edged sword as many of the people who promise to have answers are hurt people preaching to hurt people and this only contributes to the mess. But empty, easily debunked messages have short shelf lives and in the age of information, are prone to lose support through a sharp and swift downfall. Some realize what's happening, jump ship, and move on while others go down with it. To make another harsh statement, those who go down with the ship are also likely to die off before the rest- though in this sense, I mean that mostly metaphorically. They too, serve as a warning to others who may have walked their path but still have the time to re-evaluate.
We are all tired of misinformation, lies, and deceit and have turned a sharper eye onto it, demanding more from the people we choose to invest our time and energy in. We are pickier when it comes to partners and friendships. Some people are absolutely unrealistic in this regard, but I think learning to set stronger boundaries and standards begets better long term relationships, romantic or otherwise. Younger generations are doing this en masse. They may struggle to understand themselves and others, but they are not unwilling to learn as the alternative causes an undeniable strife. It's not that we don't want meaningful relationships, it's that we don't have much clear guidance on how. Emotional growth is a slow process, but it is still a work in progress all the same.
Humans put themselves in a very sticky situation, but we are not ignorant to this. Everyone wants to see better (though some people really do just want to watch the world burn) but have different ideas on how to get there which is where I think much of our struggle lies. Despite the doom and gloom pushed to us in the media, and the hysterical voices of the loudest ones in the room, I see the landscape shifting. Will it be the same? No. Are we doomed? I don't believe so. Different is not a death sentence, though we very well may need a moment of intense healing before we can see desired trends moving in an upward direction. These trends didn't decline for no good reason. Society doesn't go off the deep end spontaneously- it is a direct response to the trends of the past and our ability/inability to view them with honesty and perspective.
This is all anecdotal, of course. Based purely on personal observation. My beliefs push against the hard numbers and I recognize that. But I see social, political, and cultural trends that I believe will cause those hard numbers to change in the coming decades. Humans are not endangered. The downfall of humanity has been preached for a very long time, and yet we've managed to ebb and flow for centuries. We're figuring out what doesn't work and how to change it. Growing pains are inevitable.
I believe the heart builds up a pain tolerance.
Similarly to scar tissue after a surgery or a callus that’s formed from holding on so tightly.
The pain from the heart weakens more and more until it feels nothing at all.
Fortunately, scar tissue can be broken down with consistent massage and a callus will soften after letting go.
Which leaves me to wonder if love can mend a broken heart?
Bling bling
I have "ah, dis head don't work" or ADHD like the fancy people say.
Autopilot or airplane mode is where my head goes - there is no in-between...
Leg shaking syndrome that gives anxiety and palpitations for no reason at all.
I see 15 problems and 10 solutions with every sentence, argument and problems.
When I have a problem, I become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that could go wrong.
Hyper fixations never last but they entertain my restless mind.
"Why are you so restless?"
Simple ingredients with a background story
Warm freshly laid eggs
—the hen hissed a warning sound,
One was snatched for meal
The room smelled of toast
with melted cheese and fried egg
sprinkled pinch of salt
Brunch was served with rumbling tum
She relished what's left on the spence
Free style
Melted cheese in perfectly butter toasted bread
She loves dairy
It's a routine when she's hungry,
Her palate needs one or they'll be weary and grumps
She spread some mayo and ketchup,
Delighted by the pinkish color and licked her thumb
So far so good, she thrums,
Then saw the remaining egg on her pantry
Swooped her old wok—in chinese style
with skill, she fry
Crispy with a crunch,
topped it off by salt with a pinch
She missed sesame seeds and roasted some
"Oh dear, should I add one?"
Her tummy grumbles
'hurry up woman! It's brunch!'
And so proceeded with her unique sense of taste
Embarking her day with a little bit of haste
WARNING This Person Radiates a Magnetic Field shown to Effect Cognitive Dissonance in others.
DO NOT APPROACH or INTERACT without Testing at Genius Level Intelligence Quotient.
NEVER ASK What They Think; about You, your Friends and Family, or your religious or political delusions.
WAIT UNOBTRUSIVELY for them to Notice You, and Remain Calm.
Rapid and Irreversible Destruction of Self Concept may occur.
how to write poetry
How to ..
I've written much poetry-
some is so-so,
a few Okeyish pieces.
My best work is a Haiku.
it goes like this:
The Treasure
Yangyang digs for gold,
up the nostril he goes deep,
inspects prize with pride.
So..first thing you do- learn to do Haikus.
they are an endless source of fun.
you can do it on a boat,
you can do it near a goat,
you can write them on a train,
you can write them in Bahrain.
NEVER be ashamed,
to wait for a flight in the airport,
and count syllables with your fingers!
maybe the love of your life,
will be impressed ...
After haikus,
do either short free verse stuff,
or an easy quatrain .
don't do sonnets yet!!
Try to poke fun of things.
a tired politician?
a half-eaten bagle ?
an Incompetent haiku writer?
take your pick,
there is plenty of ridiculous,
to go around.
without fail,
life will come crashing in.
you'll be depressed or furious.
write about it.
let it out.
if you don't want to focus on 'it',
focus on something else.
if you cleared your mind ,
whatever you choose to focus on,
is most likely going to symbolize stuff...
Go for symbolisms!!!
Do a limerick to cheer yourself up.
The strict meter and verse of the piece,
will occupy your mind.
and you will most likely do a bad job.
Do another Limerick.
the constrictive nature,
of writing in verse,
seems like freedom itself!
try setting a goal-word in the verse,
one word down a few lines which you, MUST find your way towards.
the rhymes are now built into that.
after you hit that sweet spot ,
find more!!
between free-form and verse.
between diffetent types of structures.
make doodle-poems,
that graphically resemble something.
remember: when you post things, it all
remember: when you post things,
it all gets screwed up.
Try a heroic ballad.
a full story told in verse.
Try a short story with poems,
leading to stuff inside.
There's going to be plenty of:
disappointment ,
keep the stuff you were unhappy about.
just for laughs.
read other people!
misquote, misquote, misquote!
remember the age-old adge:
'No island is a man,
but thinking makes it so.'
Attempt to describe a dank room,
in great, tedious detail.
Write more haikus.
You're doing it.
eware of the cyborgs,
and other machines of torture,
of the dread-emperor Sh'ackdoth!!!
Serious is as serious does
Serious is as serious goes
Serious is as serious means
Serious is as serious cleans
Serious is as serious chants
Serious is as serious eats
Serious is as serious dreams
Serious is as serious believes
Serious is as serious encounters
Serious is as serious writes
Serious is as serious haunts
Serious is as serious kills
Serious is as serious screams
Serious is as serious drills
Serious is as serious prays
Serious is as serious slays
Serious is as serious days
Serious is as serious pays
Serious is as serious toys
Serious is as serious joys
Serious is as serious ploys
Serious is as serious dunes
Serious is as serious means
Serious is as serious gains
Serious is as serious jeans
Serious is as serious deems
Serious is as serious leans
Serious is as serious drinks
Serious is as serious clinks
Serious is as serious thinks
Serious is as serious hops
Serious is as serious elopes
Serious is as serious ropes
Serious is as serious clogs
Serious is as serious clogs
Serious is as serious vlogs
Serious is as serious lanes
Serious is as serious manes
Serious is as serious vanes
Serious is as serious veins
Serious is as serious vines
Serious is as serious vikings
Serious is as serious stockings
Serious is as serious hunts
Serious is as serious punts
Serious is as serious pints
Serious is as serious mints
Serious is as serious minks
Serious is as serious tinks
Serious is as serious blinks
Serious is as serious bins
Serious is as serious tins
Serious is as serious pins
Serious is as serious kits
Serious is as serious fins
Serious is as serious gins
Serious is as serious coins
Serious is as serious soils
Serious is as serious oils
Serious is as serious toils
Serious is as serious broils
Serious is as serious yodels
Serious is as serious towels
Serious is as serious foils
Serious is as serious gravels
Serious is as serious travels
Serious is as serious waterfalls
?¿ (c) 7.7.2022 Jeudi