A beautiful lie.
She lied because the truth was a horror upon which she couldn't bear to reflect; she'd been alone all this time, speaking only to the voices inside her head, telling them lies about who she was, about what the world was, about happiness, about existing in anything but a dystopian hellscape. It was a beautiful lie.
who am i?
I can't do anything. Not as I watch my memories, slowly, slowly, slowly slipping into the void.
I watch helplessly as a memory of my daughter starts to dissolve into the whirlwind of black. I can see her sweet smile, lighting up the room. She holds her teddy bear and- What was I talking about?
Another memory slowly goes. And then another. And another. Each dissolving in a flurry of color and forgotten love. Until...
who am I?
love bomb
he sent me flowers,
wrapped in promises.
stems like wires,
love bombs hidden
in every petal.
he told me that
he would
send flowers
every week
because that
was proof that he
loved me.
and i believed him.
reveled in the attention
because i knew nothing else.
but eventually
love bombs
and paint
the sky
with their ashes.
i was
the lucky one
who survived
the nuclear fallout,
who hid in bunkers
until the air
was safe
to breathe again.
but next time
i fall in love,
i'll make sure
i find someone
who doesn't
buy me
because flowers
are not a substitute
for love,
nor are they
a synonym.
Closeness that only the most intimately tied can have, and yet we are the most separated beings.
cars in the middle of the woods.
laughing, and realizing what happened.
The most painful fall of a lifetime, for it is written in the law of relational beings that it must end in death.
what went wrong? I fell into the mire of love and its grasp on me is unrelenting.
I try to crawl out, grasping at the things around me.
Yet late nights and foggy windows grab me and drag me down.
im falling. Grasping for air, but all I can see is you swirling around me.
I’m Special
“I think I fell in love with you when called me an asshole. Crazy, right? And I very well could be an asshole, depending on who you ask. Anyway, everyone always said you were the sweetest person. You got along with everyone. You helped our classmates out without ever appearing annoyed. Somehow we ended up sitting close by. There were few people I talked to and you were the one I wanted to talk to the most. You were so cute! You fidgeted with pens all the time and your smile was always small and slightly crooked. You hunched over your desk laughing when something was extremely funny. You didn’t do that too often, but you did it around me the most. ‘I’m special’, I thought. I was 100% delusional, I know but, could you blame me? I liked you so much and I didn't even know it! One day, I said something, something you didn’t like. I made your shoulders tense and your eyes hardened to a deep chestnut from its usual soft caramel. “You’re an asshole,” you said and turned your body away from me. I remember my jaw dropping in shock and my heartbeat building in intensity in time with my breaths. I was scared yet enlightened at the same time. ‘I’m special’, I knew. Because you cared about what I said more than other people. You showed a side to me that none of our classmates had seen. I was special and the need to keep that place in your life outweighed any overdue assignments I had. Priorities, am I right?
We didn’t talk for the rest of the day or a few days after that. I knew what that empty feeling in my chest was. You were missing. We still sat near each other, what were we supposed to do? Change our unassigned assigned seats? Head spinning and ears ringing, I gave you a note crumpled and damp from the unyielding grip I had on it. I remember it very clearly. It wrote: ‘I’m so sorry for what I said. I crossed a line and made an awful ‘joke’ about something I really had no business speaking about. I’m sorry that I upset you. I just want you to know that I truly am sorry.’ It’s not really a great apology, but I was 17–I hadn’t apologized for much at that time and I didn’t really know what “accountability” was. But by some miracle you read the note and started talking to me again and you never stopped talking to me. And since then I’ve never stopped loving you.”
suspicions of hopeless romantics
i suspect people are hopeless romantics naturally, and then get their heart broken, as well as their idea of love.
and i also suspect, later, when they find the person who makes them feel like a hopeless romantic again, is when they’ll know they are really in love again.
Drained Energy
When my friends were focussing on building their career, I waited for them with love, support and warmth.
But this version of the story will not be accepted by anyone so I sit here narrating the stupidity of my life and I know my future self will regret committing this sin of love.
×∞ Adin
15 February 2021
painted silver skin
faces plastered,
atop a grin
barefoot, the silver caked
on concrete roads
blackened and baked
the knives twirled and glinted
the scarred arms
my mind imprinted
twelve hours you stand
bathed in red light
tin can in hand
empty stomach, empty can
our worlds a line
between street and van
another life we could have known
but as I sit in safety
three knives are thrown
they sparkle in the humid air
threatening life
and yet you dare
as I live in comfort,
you perform, juggle.
as I go to school,
your food is a struggle.