I may have fallen onto my bed, but my heart sunk deeper,
Through the mattress,
through the floor,
through the ground.
She comes to the rescue,
Curls up on my chest to conceal the hole,
she rescucitates me from my despair
A smidge floats up
A piece of my heart
I would have died without her
How to humiliate someone with one sentence
It started out slow,
Electricity and warm in my chest,
In my face
Each breath I exhaled was like breathing out alcohol
But in a good, addicting way
I would graze my hand over his face, touch his chest, make my way down
He would pull me closer by my waist
The ecstasy it was
And as the desire grew deeper
We grew closer
With each layer stripped
He would ask me to do something
I felt disgusted even thinking about
But I did it for him, for his pleasure
I wanted him to be happy
And when everything was done
I had horrible nausea in my stomach.
A few days passed, and he decided to share
He said I did it wrong
He said he didn’t have the pleasure he could have, if I did it another way
I did something I felt disgusting doing
I hated it, but I did it for him
And he shamed me for the way I did it for him
What Makes Me Feel Less of A Woman
What made me feel like less of a woman
Started when you told me I was too stiff
You complained I never let go
And when I did
For you
You treated me like a whore
What made me feel less of a woman
Was when you told me
I’m doing it wrong
And that it turns you off
When I felt
The most vulnerable
What makes me feel less of a woman
Is when I lie in bed
And take it everytime
And I pretend like I enjoy it
I wish I did
I felt like less of a woman
When you looked at other woman
Flirted with them
Spoke about them
And got mad at me
When I told you, it upsets me
I felt less of a woman
When you told me to dress up for Valentine’s Day
And said nothing about how I looked
I spent hours for you
I felt less of a woman
When that same day
You drove me in a circle
Only to drop me off at home
Without a flower
Without a gift
I felt less of a woman
When I worked so hard to make you a that dish
And you only at a bite
And pushed it away
I felt less of a woman
When I worked so hard to make you a gift
And you didn’t even say thank you
You ignored my birthdays on purpose
What makes me feel less of a woman
Is when I gave you these parts of myself and more
But to you
It was worthless
Why I am losing it.
I am starving, for one thing.
My entire life I never understood why I was depressed,
until I was fulfilled.
When he touched me.
When he hugged me.
I finally let myself go for someone and he destroyed me.
My skin is hungry again.
The mental trauma manifests itself physically, through anxiety.
I am angry
I am stressed.
I have trouble keeping relationships.
I am lonely.
I long for a connection, I don’t feel human.
Nothing feels right.
I don’t feel like I have a family,
Life feels hollow, empty.
I no longer feel that my mother is my mother, I see her as a stranger. I see everyone was strangers.
I’m lost.
I’m not ugly, but my environment does not allow me to touch anyone I know.
And it destroys me.
My skin is hungry.
Someone hug me.
Fell Into the Shallow Pond
You dipped into the shallow pond,
All that was left was a moving shadow,
Dark and sinister, Swimming
Like a fish, but forever haunting me.
You’ve seen the ocean
Water in my eyes,
Sizzling onto and off my cheeks,
And you flagellated over That.
I looked over the pond,
I saw myself looking back
Wearing the white dress you wanted me to wear.
It turned to ashes,
I stood there naked,
My humanity insulted by your emails.
In the pond water, you kissed another girl,
Perhaps did more,
But you’ve delved into the darkest waters
I couldn’t see, I didn’t want to see.
But you told me,
To bait me.
And I jumped into the water.
I swam through the abyss,
To find you.
I drowned myself looking.
I would wake up,
Please stop resuscitating me,
My mom holds my hand. But,
Somehow I always end up by the shallow pond,
Reflecting, watching
And accidentally drowning myself again.