Faith in Everything: Restored
Maybe we should fall multiple times just to stand firmly on the ground.
Maybe we should lose what’s important to us just to appreciate what we have.
Maybe we should experience the absence of something just to appreciate its presence.
But most importantly, maybe we should learn how to let go, move forward and accept what’s unchangeable.
When God is sending strong thunders to us, that doesn’t mean He is mad.
When God is rising the ocean for us, that doesn’t mean He is punishing us.
God is giving us challenges for us to be stronger, braver and smarter.
God always love us.
Those are the spirits of a strong fighter and faithful warrior.
#prose #faith #challenge
A Writer’s Guide to Reader’s Heart, Mind and Soul
Once upon a time, there is an ordinary girl, living in an ordinary town, doing an ordinary routine: waking up, following the rules the whole day, and finally go to bed. It has been that way for about a decade. Then one day, she got tired of the same old cycle of her life. And so she broke the stigma, the rules, and everything that is in between. Did she became a rebel? A hideous beast? Did she became a cursed witch? No. She became a writer.
People always say that actions speak louder than words. Would you believe that I highly disagree about that? Who would have tell? With all honesty, words can cut deeper than any swords can do, yet words can also heal the deepest wounds that anyone can give you. Whenever you write, you can always turn “nothing” into “everything”. You can build your own magical world and your own thoughts are your magic spells. Using your words, you can destroy all your negativities, just as Zeus’ spear destroyed the whole world. Your pen is your mightiest sword more than King Arthur’s sword can ever do.
Are you writing to make people believe that magic do exist? Are you writing to manipulate people’s mind and drive them crazy? Are you writing to escape the bittersweet taste of life in reality? Whatever your purpose is, your goal must be TO EXPRESS RATHER THAN TO IMPRESS. Impressions only satisfy the reader’s eyes. Expressions will go straight to reader’s heart, mind and soul, and leave a mark as an inspiration. That’s the real essence of writing.
Another decade passed by and the rule breaker, the risk-taker, the soul searcher, is now a warrior who is battling different wars of life with her pen as her sword, and her papers as her tracks. Is she a rebel? No. She is a writer.
#fiction #flashfiction #spokenword
People think that love is about sweetness and being flawless. But no, love is about truth. You need to understand that love isn’t always about happy ending.
The moment you show your true personality to somone, the moment you embrace their worst sides, the moment you accept the differences between “you” and “them” - that’s love.
Love doesn’t have to be perfect, it has to be true.
#romance #fiction #flashfiction
To the man who caught my heart,
I was so damaged: in and out. I was full of fears and scars. I used to be hard-hearted, not just hard-headed. I pushed away people, built the tallest wall and exclude happiness as an emotion. And so I became the scariest demon. ’Til you came.
You came out of nowhere and showed me your kindness like a sword stabbing me multiple times. I don’t like the way you act like this world isn’t cruel at all. I don’t like the way you smile like people aren’t demons. I don’t like your positivity about everything like there’s nothing to be mad, sad, or whatso. Then one day, we had this heart-to-heart talk. You shared your past. You shared your painful, tragic story. That one day, I saw something. I realized something: I was blind, numb and dumb. I was blind for not looking for the bright side, numb for not feeling luckier than you, and dumb for not knowing the truth about what life is. You had all the reasons and chances to prove everyone that this world isn’t fair, yet you managed to be fine. You were dying inside, yet still managed to shine, just like the stars when the night came out. You had all the proofs you needed to just stop living, but you fought back. You came out of nowhere, shared everything, like you knew me for so long. Like we knew each other long time ago, and just continuing what we had started. And by that, I thanked you. Not just for sharing what you have. I thanked you for saving me and my heart.
Now that the darkness is starting to reign over you, I promise to be your light. Now that giving up is your only choice, I promise to lift you up. Now that you are starting to get tired of everything, I promise to be by your side whatever it takes until you fight back once again and realize why you started this battle. Your battle is my battle. I may not be your sword, which can destroy all your worries and failures. But I promise to be your shield that will protect you against all odds. Tell me all of your negativities in life, and I’ll tell you how beautiful your soul is. And by the way, you don’t have to be a knight in shining armor because I’ll be the one who will save you.
Take this note from a risk-taker: I do break rules, I always do that. But never the promises. Promises aren’t meant to be broken. Promises are meant to be kept, and so are you. Wait and see, just go and proceed. I will always be here. By your side, behind your back, anywhere and everywhere.
I will save you.
#writealetter #ToTheManWhoCaughtMyHeart #fiction #prose #story #flashfiction #romance