In the format, style and genre of your choosing, fiction or nonfiction, tell us something that will make our skin crawl. I want nails-on-a-chalkboard, did-they-just-say-that, I-might-vomit/poop myself/ go into a nunnery grime.There are no rules on vulgarity, gore or.... sexiness (my thesaurus failed me on that one. :P )
Don't just shock me... disgust me.
Ended April 7, 2015 • 0 Entries • Created by Aubrey
(Since the other wasn't a challenge...)
When you wake up one morning, everyone is still sleeping. Everyone. In the world. In your home (in a place of your choosing with your own wording) you find a note that explains how you may wake a limited number of people and the fate of the remainder. Write a story about that day including what the note says.
Ended February 20, 2015 • 0 Entries • Created by Aubrey
So, I have no idea how to use this site or send someone a message and ask questions. I even googled it. How do I edit my profile? Some things won't let me change them. I can't add hashtags either. Is there an FAQ or something? Can anyone help me? Any info is helpful, thanks.
Ended January 28, 2015 • 2 Entries • Created by Aubrey