Evel Knievel Mode
Some would say that if the lion knew his own strength then he could not be controlled.
I entertained a similar mindset March 2015 at the recently attained age of 15 years.
Schweitzer. Somewhere in the United States.
I stare the run down and opt to go straight down. No turns. No deceleration. So I go straight down. No moguls, no angles, and eventually my body is traveling at 30, 40, hell maybe even 50 miles an hour. The decline becomes an incline so I turn 90 degrees clockwise in anticipation of the upcoming cat track at its peak. But physics contradicts the best of my intentions and I then shoot through the yellow tape harnessed by the previously unseen bamboo sticks outlining said track's outer end.
Several moments later, I find myself meters from a ski lift pole, skis thoroughly detached from my boots, feeling sufficiently shaken yet grateful to be alive.
Soundless Voice
Silence can ever be so eerie to listen to
Like how do you hear quietness?
There's literally no sound except your breath inhaling and exhaling the oxygen and the carbon dioxide of life.
The silence of a room forces me to think about what I have tried so hard to suppress with my business of life
However, the silence of the early morning hours shouts the loudest in my ears
Funny how silence can speak to me in such a way that is much more effective than any sound advice given by a sage of life
The soft quietness of the evening brings forth reminiscing the warmth of having family and friends around laughing and having the grand time of the world
Then when the day turns to night it is there that the loudness of loneliness strikes the heart
It is the soft whisper of the night that reminds the soul issue left unresolved
It is as if the longer the day goes by the more thoughts can creep up and reminds the heart that there are unfinished business left unsettled and it is not the mundane daily tasks with unchecked boxes next to it
But rather the mourning of the soul longing for closure of broken relationships, peace in the family, purpose in life, and answers to countless questions.
Silence..... The most mysterious speaker of the soul and mind can ever be so eerie to listen to yet only few listens to the voice of quietude.
I guess I must get used to this soft voice since my progressive hearing loss condition will slowly silence all the external voices in my life.... Or so the doctors tell me.
That was over 20 years ago and I'm still waiting for the silence to come.
Oh well, I guess I better get used to this soundless voice; for it will be the only voice I can hear.
The Journey
Your charm was intoxicating
As you hid away your deceit
It was a disaster in waiting
As you swept me off my feet
And as red flags were waving
My head sank further in the sand
I often sat debating
If I deserved the anger in your hand
You sad little child
You never learned to cope
Your hardships got the better of you
As you kissed goodbye your last hope
Unlike you, my pain won't own me
I'll live until I die
Maybe some other tragedy will find comfort in your lie
remember San Bernadino
cover the murdered innocents in san bernadino with
lupine purple lavender brilliant on this mountain slope
cover them with cold sweet alpine needles' green sweet smell
shine upon their still grey faces with this platinum southern sun touching distant sleeping mountain peaks
cover their terrified screams
with this low rumbling water fall
cleanse their still bodies with this pristine waters' spray
their heads, their fallen bodies riddled with
those cold iron coward’s bullets
lay them upon moss soft ’n sweet
cover their warm bodies' memory with ferns' velvet leaves
cover their blood pooled hair ’n keep it clean
lay these needles of noble pine's wreath
upon the downy humus ground over their bodies safe,
forever far from those cold black psycho cached minds
diabolos' agents’ destined cast into eternal fire’s lake
through the patient wait of night ’til eternal day’s dawn
shelter them with our invisible, ethereal kisses
blessed heaven's victory over death
our exhaled patient prayers wait
coming final redemption’s promise
count on it by thoughts of loves' triumph over hate
civilization's golden liberty’s arm
standing fast in their memory
I see the world from both sides, I feel peoples pain while I'm trying to recruit people to think for more than less, im a humble king siting on the thrown while I'm watching my allies taking shots at my dome, sometimes when I'm in a crowd I feel alone, respect is not given it's always shown, I think deeper and violence I never condone, sheep's scatter while I'm the only dog defending them from the wolf, golden aura shelters me an and my home, come through join the blessings that God hands me , I put foreclosures on the past me, now I'm a gentleman that sees success as the ultimate jewel.
Frustration is tearing me apart in little jagged pieces. My inner being is becoming eroded into nothingness as the mind boggling force whirls around and around my head. Even though I am devastated as I try to capture it, it keeps slipping through my fingers, like copious water seeping through the dry earth. Why, oh why, does it keep eluding me? I know in my very center that it belongs to me. Why can’t I see it and grasp it to my inner soul? Where has it gone? Please come back to me or did I ever have it in the first place?
Did it assume its looming presence when I was a small child or was it present in the womb? Are my jumbled feelings and tormented thoughts learned or genetic? I wonder whether I suffered its lack recently or perhaps a long time ago. I inhale my belief that it creeps in intermittently causing the loss to arise when I need its opposite the most. What is it that is tormenting me in little spurts and fractional debris? I ask myself questions until the answer floats through the air to my waiting essence. Lack of self-confidence is ripping me apart and throwing the shards to the wind.
There are celebrations coming up...been going on since god’s dog was a pup
The manner in which humans celebrate an
outstanding occasion
Is to focus on an object to mark the situation
The eats and decorations are the way things
are done
There are several outstanding contenders
ranking as #1
If these things are mentioned as shrubs or
saplings, butts and birds
Friends are unable to connect these words
Trees, hogs and birds are the usual choices
You'll hear the puzzlement in all human voices
A shrub or sapling? are you out of your tree
A bird? What sort of bird would that be?
And I think mentioned the butt of a hog?
Surely you joke or are you dense as a log?
Of course with an explanation it becomes
These objects to humans mean holidays
are near
But all these objects have one thing in common
The only way to use em is you have to kill em
I can hear it now as the cry goes around
A tree? You're worried about chopping a tree down?
A tree was alive many years in the ground
It did more good in the forest than the ones chopping it
A place in ecology where it did fit
As for the animals, a pig or bird
Their lives were taken for reasons you've heard
Taking lives to celebrate special days
Proves humanity hasn't yet come out of their caves