I am a 15 double bass playing, anime watching, animal loving, German named but actually American, gaming, dramatic acting, female poet. Hi!
1) blow up the death star. it's the least i deserve.
2) an apology from the Dell company for betraying my trust and selling me crap.
3) write a symphony .
4) meet somone that writes here. one of the cool ones. and you know who i am talking about.
5) write a 4-line hiku.
6) read the last two novels of the 'ice and fire' series. been a while, mr. Martin....
7) see a new star wars flic that makes up for the last one.
8) talk about poetry with sophia.
9)teach sophia to play piano/saxophone.
10) see how sophia turned up as an adult. help her if she needs.
11) eat a pinapple.
12) be able to love a cat.
13) finish the story i'm stuck with!!
14) live on a paradise island. (preferably not deserted. i had enough if that stuff during the quaranteen).
15) win at a sport of some kind.
16) successfuly sue the church of scientoligy.
17) be able to pull off a humphry bogart impersonation.
18) sing a song.
19) fix a clock
20) have a ruben sandwich.