We Pick a place to picnic
A park by the river
It's supposedly summer
But the cold breeze makes us shiver
We wait upon late arrivals
While we eat our ill planned food
What I thought would be scotch eggs and crisps
Turned out to be cake and booze
We wait a good three hours
While it periodically rains
Reminiscing and catching up
Playing sentimental games
A juggler practices across from us
As together the others arrive
They bring more food an alcohol
And tales of their lives
The conversation's pleasant
We laugh all together
We are having a good time
Even despite the weather
It doesn't take too long
For the drinking games to begin
We play never never have I ever
And we confess our sins
The juggler still juggles
As tipsy, we count our sips
We debate being his audience
But decide it's not worth the trip
The picnic's been going eight hours
The sun begins to set
The juggler drops his clubs
Our picket blanket wet
I stay another hour
As, one by one, my friends go home
Conversation waning
soon we'll be Alone
The juggler packs up
As we pack away
Knowing that this will be a memory
We will all share some day
In the new nights darkness
We all hug goodbye
Until we meet again
And share more stories of our lives
Rocky shores,
Shells, the swell of waves,
Crash and foam.
I roam,
Up towards the cliff face,
I hear on rainy days
Boulders can slip.
I grip the stones
As I clamber
A route
I learned.
Iʼm Halfway between
Sea and sky,
Tall faces looming.
The ocean below.
Seagulls circle
Soaring, to and fro .
Thereʼs a
Bitter wind,
Winters in
The sun is out.
Looking out,
I can see so much
The car park,
Fish huts,
Boat club,
Warm pebbles
Against a cold sea.
Finally feeling free,
I descend,
But then
I see the tides up
Soon near my feet,
I retreat
And rethink…
My heart sinks.
But I can see an exit.
Avoiding damp socks,
I hop
On top of each rock
I don'tʼstop until
I've reached the other side
And my fear subsides…
As we look across the rising tide
How nice to be beside the seaside.
But now it's time to go inside
And just relax…
Birds tweet, the scuttle of feet on broken twigs and fallen leaves,
Calm, tranquil, natural.
Bright summer days,
And sickness.
The rush of saliva and tightening of the stomach.
Staring at an empty toilet bowl...
Bright gemstones,
Concentric rings.
Soft beneath your feet,
A croak,
A scuttle,
Climbing trees,
Spring up -
Fall down
Warmth and cold and sick...
That standard Fairy tale,
It never was for me,
I used to fantasise the notion,
That I needed setting free,
But I made friends with the dragon,
And this tower is my home,
As I soar across the sky,
I never was alone.
No prince needs to save me,
I am happy where I am,
As I am freer here,
Than in your restricting hands,
I want to show you life,
Soar among the stars,
But I don't want you to love me,
I want to know who you are,
Let me see the demons,
That lie beneath your skin,
Let me see the Angels
That shine away the sin,
Let me see the sun,
That glimmers in your eyes,
Let me know your loves,
And all that you despise,
And if you win my heart,
Then the dragon must come too,
If you fear the beast,
Then I'm not the one for you,
This is not a fairy tale,
This is fantasy,
This is my perfect world,
And if you want to share it with me,
Let me show you magic,
Let me show you stars,
Let me show you dragons,
And let me find out who you are.
Not a party person
Shadows slumber as the sun goes down,
The loud music booms and beneath it I drown,
Cheap ethanol. Vodka, Rum. I have wine,
I Look down at my phone just to check the time,
Crowds and the crescendo of clashing conversation,
Through my chest I feel the songs vibration,
The cold air numbs my hands as I sit there forlorn,
All I want is my book and my bed in the warm,
But my friends have all left me for the lips of fleeting lovers,
Co-creating heat as they embrace one-another,
I engage in some basic banal conversation,
Things like the weather and current occupation,
I long for home but the last train has already left,
I listen and smile and nod my interest,
We booked a hostel but I'd have to convince my friends to leave,
So for my book and a bed and warmth I grieve,
People ask me to dance and they might get a song,
I want to have fun but not lead them on,
I'm an introvert and my feelings I find hard to express,
I don't want to disappoint and don't want to impress,
I'm sick of this party, I guess it's just not for me,
It makes me feel trapped when everyone else feels free.
Chemical Attraction
Particles colliding
Finding someone to confide in
To share with them their negatives
Attracted by their positives
Pairing off with their opposites
Creating new properties
To equal their match
As they become attached
With love as a catalyst
Exothermic reaction
Chemical attraction
Too hot for each other
At least till one finds another
With a stronger bond
That goes beyond what was before
For even atoms always crave more
And their properties will change
As their parters change
And the stronger the bond the harder it is to break
For together they make
The building blocks for everything
Combining and dividing
Born from the stars
Energy never dying
Ever changing
Re arranging
Chemical and natural
Hydrogen and oxygen
Together are able
to quench the fire
They used to fuel
Love is unstable
Like alkaline and acid
From volatile to placid
Love can calm chaos
Or create explosions
Chemicals cause
Loves range of emotions
The world was black and white. One day a butterfly appeared. No one had ever seen something that beautiful before. One human captured the butterfly and made others pay to see it. It attracted hundreds, but as the butterfly grew lonelier its colours started to fade. The butterfly's captor was worried about the lack of customers now coming to visit the butterfly so he decided to talk to it. The butterfly told him that if he set him free he could bring colour to the world. The captor knew he would make no money but reluctantly agreed.
Colour was created.
I don't believe in God.
I believe in light,
The light that is refracted to create rainbows,
The light that allows us to see,
The light that gives us time and energy and life,
The light that filters through the early morning mist and in the evening glows pink and orange and blue.
I believe in sound,
The sound that allows us to speak to one another,
The sound that lets us know where things are,
The sound that alerts us to danger,
The sound that makes up dawn's birdsong and the tinkling of chimes in the wind.
I believe in the mind,
The mind that gives us the ability to comprehend this beautiful world from different waves of light and sound,
The mind that allows us to feel,
The mind that has the ability to give us emotions just by releasing different chemicals and hormones,
The mind that lets us communicate,
The mind that tells the stories of our lives and talks to us even when no one else is there.
I believe in the planet,
One planet in eight that can sustain life,
One planet in eight that is constantly changing,
One planet in eight that houses water,
One planet in eight that has the correct gasses for our survival,
One planet in eight that we can call home.
I believe in space,
Space that houses thousands upon thousands of galaxies not too dissimilar from our own,
Space that we can see from our little lives on this little planet with our little eyes that can detect the light from stars lightyears away. Stars that may no longer exist,
Space that is so big it is possibly infinite.
I believe in stories,
Stories that can move us and change the way we think,
Stories that open our eyes to the worlds problems,
Stories that give us hope even when the darkness could envelope us,
Stories that mirror our lives and give us insight into the lives of others.
And I believe in us,
In our hearts,
In our minds,
In our lives.
I don't believe in God.
I believe in everything.