Fear the Jeers
Fear the Jeers
She heard the word slut
Wasn't even uttered
Just a glint
In some mother's eyes
Reflecting the mini skirt
And ridiculous pumps
Three more beers
Goodbye jeers
They couldn't be right
Kneeling in pews
Praying for condemnation
So assured of salvation
Her waist was tight
Despite the yoga
His number was lost
Or never there
Two more pills
Goodbye jeers
Her parents were fraught
With her despair
A future so bright
No one would care
Inconvenient life
Not yet human
Four hundred dollars
Goodbye jeers
Hello tears
His mind was blurry
Not sure where he was
No discourse was hurried
From his little lips
But alive he was
Devoid of fears
His mommy was fraught with
Something called jeers
From parents and peers
He wasn't sure
What that was
He wanted to make them
Go by the way
Then he went
Goodbye jeers
Hello tears
Fear the Jeers
Fear the Jeers
She heard the word slut
Wasn't even uttered
Just a glint
In some mother's eyes
Reflecting the mini skirt
And ridiculous pumps
Three more beers
Goodbye jeers
They couldn't be right
Kneeling in pews
Praying for condemnation
So assured of salvation
Her waist was tight
Despite the yoga
His number was lost
Or never there
Two more pills
Goodbye jeersi
Her parents were fraught
With her despair
A future so bright
No one would care
Inconvenient life
Not yet human
Four hundred dollars
Goodbye jeers
Hello tears
His mind was blurry
Not sure where he was
No discourse was hurried
From his little lips
But alive he was
Devoid of fears
His mommy was fraught with
Something called jeers
From parents and peers
He wasn't sure
What that was
He wanted to make them
Go by the way
Then he went
Goodbye jeers
Hello tears
A cold night
Starry skies
Heavy with
A new king
Wrapped in
Cried the very
First time
Amongst the
Warmth of
Beasts and hay
No gold or silver
Where he lay
Christ the baby
Was born
On an otherwise
Insignificant day
To take our burdens
And show us
The way
The shepherds knew
As they sang
That it's not
The possessions you
Gain or the wealth
On display
That brings the
Of true happiness
But the things you
And the people you
That was the
Wondrous gift
That Mary and Joseph
Beheld that day
When they looked
On the innocent
Cooing face of
Christmas suits you, Dear
Twinkling lights all aglow
With the warmth and merriment
That your love does bestow
The needles jutting from an evergreen
Hopeful and comforting like
The words you practically sing
Supporting little glass treasures and trinkets
Like the memories you make for us
Surrounded by the gifts you dressed up
With so much love and care
And the scent of fresh cookies and buns
Surround us like invisible hugs in the air
Stockings crafted by your tender hand
Hang with your delicate grace from the mantle
Holding little surprises like your kisses
This is a magical time of year
A time for happiness, joy and cheer
A time that makes us all a little more
Like the beautiful women you are all year