A Poem a Day
A poem a day,
Can take the pain away.
It might not rhyme,
It just has to feel right.
Don’t rush, you have time.
It can take as little as two minutes.
So don’t get all caught up with your daily shit.
Just take, five minutes of each day.
For yourself.
To write,
A poem a day.
It can take as little as two minutes.
So don’t get all caught up with your daily shit.
Little Man In The Boat
As we shared a whiskey flask
My love took me to task
To mount an expedition
Beyond my wildest hope
A mission fraught with danger-
To save a man in a boat
She said I'd know his oilskins
By now quite slick and wet
And the shiny Sou'Wester rain hat
That sloped to protect his neck
She said that in the tempest
His hat might tend toward red...
I grabbed my oars and hunkered down
For nothing more be said
Against the tide as one we rowed
Tossed by growing swells
Faced with death, our sense grew sharp
With heightened taste and smell
As violent ocean ebbed and flowed,
With skill its hills we rode
"Put yer back in it,"
At one point, I heard the sailor cry
As the ocean roiled and tossed amid
Our frantic groans and sighs
We worked our aching bodies
Beyond what one should ask
Fighting 'gainst the rising storm
The mighty waves did crash
Till ocean calm returned once more
For me and my paramour-
Spent by the adventure
That we two had braved
A time of chase and glory
Forever we would note
The tale of how
That night I saved
A little man in a boat...
We Fallen
My concern drops soft
Against your gentle cough
So frail in my embrace
We lie in bed of secrets laced
In and out of sleep so deep
Chased by hungry thoughts
That creep and seep
And gnaw the edge of soul in feast
Bulwark against foul demon's chase
In this space I'll make you safe
My princess chaste
My drug
My waif
I play the hero, armored in kind pledge
We fall away from ocean's edge
I claim right of diver's salvage
Our need whelmed in bodies savaged
We lie in tangled trust
My comely Succubus
At your carnal throne I kneel
Haunted by dark lusts unsealed
I run my fingers along your scars
A little sad, a little angry, a little hard-
Confused by dark emotions' brace
Pushed by twisted passion's chase
Bound by your perverse bequest
My hands 'round your neck
We slew and teeter at the cusp
Succumbing to small deaths
No saving grace for likes of us
Truth a tarnished gilt
Upon our wicked borrow
We give the monster leash
Foul imprecations muttered
In horror's grip, we come and shudder
Loath to loose my hero's claim
But in truth, we are the same
Just two Maker's broken toys
Fallen little girl and boy
No spoils to claim
No one to blame
As hero's mantle falls away
I sigh in lost illusions' sway
Hold you close-
As one
We peel
The waxing day
Alternative Universe
Since when did truths
Become alternative?
Ain't that a fine "howda ya do"
And what about the words we speak
Do their meanings
Come in "alternative," too?
As in "up" is "down" and "in" is "out"
And good old "red" is "blue?"
It defeats the purpose of language
In which case you'd never know,
"I'm huntry en I liken peas
A dishes dainty sang witch..."
In this alternative universe
Our Earth is flat
The new thin is fat
And racists never lynched blacks
If that foolishness ain't enough
Here's an interesting fact-
According to our government,
Dixie's slaves were immigrants!
This is not right
Just stop it please
Alternative facts?
There's no such thing...
(Unlike Bigfoot
Or that girl from "Ring")
Fiction is fiction
Fact is fact
And never the twain
Shall be the same
If someone tells you
They're playing
The "mind fuck" game...
Happy Holidays
Greetings Prosers,
It’s almost here. The day many of us spend months preparing for, is almost upon us.
Some will say 2016 hasn’t been too kind to us this year. The world has been unsettled in almost every facet of its being. Whilst some of the events that have happened over the course of this year have proven the depravity and evil extents to which some people will go, l believe that these occurrences across the world have also proven the humanity, kindness, and purity some of the human race still encompasses.
The above couldn’t be more true about the community we have built here. We as a team of five, often reflect on the frickin’ amazing community we have on Prose. As a community, you have changed lives for the better, you have helped people in crisis feel like there is something to live for. You have written about the human condition and all of its pains and beauties. You’ve made the ugly hauntingly beautiful and you have made the beautiful more colourful than the colours known to the naked eye. You’ve brought pixels to life, and I think it’s safe to say, you’ve all made lasting impressions on each others’ lives, just like you have ours.
This last year has been an uphill struggle for many, and that includes Prose. Building a business from the ground up is not an easy feat, and we have worked tirelessly to make sure we continue to bring you a place of safety; a sanctuary for you all to express yourselves, free from judgment and welcomed with open arms. We have a long way to go still, but we are certain that we will get there with your support.
We’ve made so much progress as a team, as a community, and as a business in the last 365. There have been huge updates; ones that brought you the bookstore; along with huge achievements - our Letters from Prison initiative has recently been nominated for an award for excellence in rehabilitation.
Our Letters from Prison Program has touched many lives and there are hundreds of pieces to read in our Portal right now. Without the support of you, our community, this program wouldn’t be as successful.
It’s with this in mind that 2017 will bring a fresh wave of change, for the better, for us all. Paul and I (Sammie) will be spending our time setting up a non-profit for the philanthropic work we have begun in prisons. We will be scaling this into the youth offenders sector, and hopefully, the addiction sector too. This business will be separate to Prose, but will share a symbiotic relationship with Prose, and you, our Prosers. We’ve proven with prisoners that words are so powerful, they can change lives for the better, forever. We hope that you will continue to support us with this endeavour, and if any of you would like to help us further, please email me directly (sammie@theprose.com) because we know we’re going to need it.
Not only will we be working hard to change lives with words, but there will be some enhancements coming your way with Portals, and with that being said, if any of you would like to become moderators of our current Portals, please contact me using the same email address above.
Before I sign off for the year, there is one more change coming your way. It’s a brief change, but a needed one, to allow us some breathing room to implement the changes we have planned. From this day forward, there will be no more challenge of the week until further notice. Monday will bring the announcement of the winner for last week’s, but we will not be setting another for the time being.
The team will all be taking a much needed break for the next couple of days to enjoy time with our families and loved ones. Should any of you have any tech issues etc. you can still email us on the usual email address, or message us in app. We will be in touch as soon as we have emerged from the other side of Christmas.
Lastly, we want to thank every single one of you for being here. I, personally, have made life long friends here and know that this is the case for the team too. We truly have stumbled upon a kick-ass group of people, who I couldn’t be prouder to work with every day.
To each of you, thank you so much.
To my colleagues - my friends - you’re all badasses. It’s a privilege to work with you, laugh with you, and actually, disagree with you (sometimes).
From the entire Prose team, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Until 2017, Prosers,
Eat. Drink. Be Merry.
we fit
to each
other like
chords pulled
from your guitar
with strains of
you are my sunshine
returning me
to chalk lines
scary movies
those crazy
blue vacations
warm days
me breaking
the back of it
swimming to shore
in celebration
of summer's smile
it's winter here
feeling colder than
I think I should
feeling everything
and wondering
if I have the right
not sure if I've
lost my shine
or feeling that
second wind
brush against my
a second skin
there is no worth
in second guessing
just a wistful
reminder of
roads travelled
and trains jumped
we get to
shake that
heavy little number
for a day or two
lost in strains of
you are my sunshine
The gavel bang a gunshot to the soul
when your voice no longer matters
Iron beds, rusty shower heads
Moments, hours, days...
They all blend into one, the final freedom
contrived by a confused crowd of strangers
the very moment your life shall end, definite-
All they wondered was how long it would take
to acquiesce the case so they may get on with their evenings
of dancing and sweet margaritas that I shall never taste upon my lips
If must I be condemned to die-
What granted but only one final meal?
As if it could replace my stolen time...
I dared of someday sky diving, white water rafting
seeing the eloquence of mountains once more
All the roads untraveled... now but daydreams in a cage
Stripped of my clothes, an identity bland
engagement ring thrown in a basket-
a rose budding- sliced off before blooming
I would have worn a white veil, simple in spring,
Watch children grow, and their own growing old with
the love of my life, rocking chairs and sunsets behind
a white picket fence, now...
Condemned to naught but these white washed walls...
How I miss the colors, how I wish
I could see a rainbow just once more
beneath this blanket as grey and bleak as the verdict
while another walks free with all the possibilities
drawing more breaths than I ever shall
No beauty in finality, no goodbyes of a family
ostracized from, for their own beliefs as
the media wants the fire of destruction,
playing out to pay their rent
as juicing grapefruit and leaving the pulp
a mush of bland, tasteless scraps
to be tossed away...
Moment after moment, doomed to counting down time
Will I fly away at the end? Feel life leaving my body?
Is there more? Will I be cycled again and again
in this same unfair life, a de-ja-vu?
Is this justice for some other life I fail to recall?
Will it burn as the poison ends the flow of my veins?
My only legacy knowing that the truth
may never be known- or known too late,
too late, for me...
itching to be
anything but me
destroying from inside
hate to have to hide
sinking, slipping
never winning
cling and climb
way too much time
down and down
a depressing gown
the need to purge
when thoughts emerge
feeling numb
craving some
fight the thoughts
the one that haunts
it screams while it rises
speaking of despises
just please donʼt say it
for it feels like you spit it
wrapped in hate
my heart eviscerate
I cant fix me
though I plea
with all of my essence
to be evanescence
replaced by a normal
someone more formal
no longer a freak
perhaps even meek
not even close to a spaz
or come anywhere close as
the strange, sad, uncontrollable
weird, unwanted, gross, inconsolable
thing that sits here and cries
and you watch and despise
and it cuts and it hurts
but I dont mind
dont mind a change in time
and the way ive always been
the pattern can be changed
because in this life
Iʼm tired of being left
tired of being hurt
but in the end it doesnʼt matter
and doesnʼt quiet make sense
and in the end I know
I must distance; towards myself
for Iʼm not use to relying on others
not use to this, to depending
because I have learned and it is true
everyone can and will hurt you eventually
its alright though
Iʼm not mad
could never be mad
just hurt
but Iʼm fine