How long?
How long, O Lord!
Shall I Your Heart break?
How long shall I wallow
In the murk and mire?
I know who I am
Son of Zion
Help me to live it
Help my unbelief
Set my soul afire
Within me
Ignite Your Will
My one great Desire
As though a lamb
Without Shepherd
Your Face radiant with mercy
Compassion aglow
I grovel back
In brokenness to Love
In the throes
Of Infinite Worship.
It is not unbelief that scares me.
A life devoid of faith, I presume, must be quite comfortable. You answer to none, and the need for morality or righteousness is just a bit of a snag in the silky fabric of an otherwise existential being.
Rather it is the powerless and watered down, sugarcoated brand of gospel that terrifies me.
It simply follows the supply-demand scheme: people demand a prosperity-driven, feel-good, no-consequence and no-true-repentance, egotistical kind of "gospel" that can only be supplied by Mammon-worshipping, smooth-talking entertainers, televangelists, motivational speakers, all charlatans disguised as men and women of God.
A faithless generation masquerading as God's chosen, steady treading the broad road onto Hades, but all the while thinking they are going to Zion.
Now that's what really scares me.
To You I Share The Truth
To you who is lost.
I say: "The Son of Man came to look for the lost and save them" Luke 19:10
To you who is broken.
I tell you that "He heals those who have broken hearts." Psalm 147:3
For the one who has abandoned hope.
I implore you to hold on. For "He watches over those who put hope in His faithful love." Psalm 33:18
To the soul that has not known love.
Though I do not know your name, "Just as the Father loved me, I have loved you. Remain in my love." John 15:9
To the heart so full of hate and bitterness.
Realize the reality of your rancor. "Those who hate their brothers and sisters are murderers." 1 John 3:15
For those minds clouded with doubt.
Remember what Jesus said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” John 20:27
And finally, to the ones who have not yet heard the name 'Jesus,' I inform you now:
God loved the world so much that he sent his son, Jesus, as a sacrifice to shoulder all of the sins in our hearts. If you believe this to be true, that Jesus was crucified, died on the cross, and rose again, your soul will live on forever, beyond death, in the Kingdom of Heaven at the right side of Jesus himself.
Truth Exists.
Belief. Such a strong word. In fact it encompasses our whole life, Our world view, and our mindset.
Yet . . .
So many say that they don't believe in any one thing, Rather they believe in everything. But, truth is truth and there can only be one, One is right and one is wrong. Both cannot be right.
Allow me to impart my Story:
Once I was an ordinary human, Lost in sin and greed.
Then a miracle happened, Two thousand years ago indeed.
My entire life was turned upside down as I realized the weight of Jesus's birth, death, and ressurection. The facts, when looked at logically, all pointed in one direction, Jesus Christ.
My life did not change immediately, but his grace worked in my life daily. I am still a dirty, rotten sinner, but I am being changed daily.
I see hope and I feel joy.
Sure religious people can be bother. In fact quite ignorant, hypocrites who only rely on rituals and customs for salvation.
But you see, Jesus spoke against all those things, and those people do not represent him. No. Not at all. If you wish to see who Jesus truly was, instead of relying on misrepresentations, read the book of John and see for yourself.
Jesus is truth. He is who I believe in.
As for WHAT I believe in? I will speak only one thought.
Too far gone for God? Who said, you? Or God?
God would never say that.
You are never to far gone.
Pray for Me
"Whatever god you pray to..."
They say
"...send one up for me."
Sadness and hope just from that sentence.
Saddened by what they say.
Hope, by what they imply.
They say there can be more than one god,
And that the God is good enough on His own.
They go against a commandment of
"You shall have no other gods before me."
God is the only true god.
They imply they are open to the idea of worship
Which gives me hope of witnessing.
It gives me hope that they are not a lost cause,
Not that really anyone is without the hardening of the heart.
And I will send up a prayer,
A prayer for your homecoming
A prayer that I, or someone else
Be sent into your life as a witness,
A Prayer that your heart may be open.
Prayer is a powerful thing.
And with that power given by He who created it, and created me
I pray for you.
Pray for me
You ask others
Pray for me
I ask believers,
As I pray for you.