They come in the dark
Their visits are more regular now
I don’t know why
They haven’t been around for years, 50 years
They are there sitting on the foot of my bed
Standing at the doorway
Looking in my window
No one talks, they just stare into the glow my heart shows
My heart beats, theirs no more
They are the seven that stayed
I am the one that came home
Every night they visit now
Sleep abandons me
They want me to return to the field where they fell
Maybe soon my friends
We will all be solders at peace
And we will all sleep again
Remember Spring
When winter’s last breath chilled the morning air
When the last remnants of white laid in patches in the corners of the field
When the budding of tree branches moved lightly on the wind
When the anticipation of the new season warmed the memory of the past one
The fresh smell of a new earth
The robin and worm tug of war
The greenness of new grass
The white heads of daffodils popping through the soil
The brain rush of cool breath finding its way to the soul
A gentle sun warming your shoulders as you walked midday streets
A melody that filled your mind as you took each step
A rhapsody of songbirds as they built their nest
A comforting smile of a new friend who became your best
Remember Spring
Remember Love
Remember Us